Civil Engineering: At the Center of Technology for Tomorrow
Between now and the year 2000 civil engineers have the opportunity, perhaps more than any other profession, to help create the monuments of our civilization. This will involve projects...

Assessing the Effects of Water Contamination
The threats to potable water are examined. An assessment of human ill effects of contaminated water requires a knowledge of the quality of water throughout the world and a corresponding...

Computing in Civil Engineering
A broad spectrum of computer applications in civil engineering is covered in 73 papers presented at the Third Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering. Emphasis is on microcompters...

Social and Environmental Objectives in Water Resources Planning and Management
The nation's goals for water programs and projects must be clearly understood by engineers. This report describes the process of identifying social, economic and environmental...

Emerging Computer Techniques in Stormwater and Flood Management
These proceedings identify and assemble information on recent applications of mini- and microcomputer technology to problems in urban stormwater and flood management. Instrumentation and...

Guidelines for Tunnel Lining Design
These guidelines set forth a program for conceptual and practical orientation in the design of tunnel linings. They are not intended to be used as a code or collection of specifications....

New Plant Treats River and Well Water
A new 16 mgd water softening plant at Elgin, Ill. is designed to treat raw water either from the Fox River or deep wells, or in any combination. Flexibility of the chemical feed systems...

Fast Tracking Milwaukee's Stormwater Cleanup
In building a massive sewer and treatment plant, Milwaukee solved legal and management problems. At the same time, the city speeded design and construction for the project. Triggered by...

L.A. Grapples with Changing EPA Regs
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) studies indicate that between now and the year 2000 an additional $117 billion will be needed to accommodate projected growth and to meet water quality...

Performance of Water and Sewer Lifelines in the May 2, 1983 Coalinga, California Earthquake
Water supply and filtration systems for the City of Coalinga suffered little damage. The water transmission system suffered five breaks. The urban distribution system was disrupted, but...

Dynamic Response Correlation of Cylindrical Tanks
The May 1983 Coalinga Earthquake provided an opportunity to correlate earthquake performance of cylindrical liquid storage tanks with behavior observed in laboratory shaking table experiments....

Water Supply
The Foothills Project adds 125 mgd (5.5 m�/s) to the Denver area water treatment capacity, and saved approximately $1 million in energy costs in the first year of its operation. The $163...

The Jamaica Bay Water Pollution Plant was renovated and upgraded from l973-l983 and included sinking a 116 ft. x 105 ft. caisson 50 ft. deep adjacent to city streets and buildings. The...

Sewage Plant
The Sacramento Regional Wastewater Management Program cost $460 million, took 10 years to build, and solved problems in sludge disposal, odor control, conveyance systems, combined sewer...

Ocean Energy
The Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) component nominated this year as an ASCE Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement involves the most critical design problem; the cold water...

To preserve a vital part of the St. Louis, Mo. water supply , Stacy Park Reservoir was renovated with a new concrete roof over half its area and new beams in the other half. The new roof...

Seismic Evaluation of Non-Seismically Designed Existing Magnox Nuclear Power Plants
Special procedures included on-site testing with a portable shake table, low vibration testing using a structural dynamics analyser, and on-site inspections. The low vibration testing...

Winter Snowpack Augmentation in Utah
The snowpack enhancement cloudseeding program in Utah was operated continuously for ten consecutive years prior to the 1983-84 water year. It was designed to augment water supplies in...

Weather Modification Potential ? Santa Clara Valley
Santa Clara County of California has been a water deficient area. The Santa Clara Valley Water District has an obligation to the community and to the other water users in the State to...

Allen-McColloch Pipeline Computer Based Control System
The Allen McColloch Pipeline (AMP) was designed to deliver 416 cfs of treated water from the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California's Diemer Water Treatment Plant...





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