Research Needs to Resist Terrorist Attacks
The task of protecting facilities against terrorist attacks is very much a new problem for the U. S. civilian sector. Guidance as to what steps need to be taken by a municipality or a...

Improved Design Procedure for Shallow-Buried Structures to Resist Airblast Loading
Both conventional and nuclear weapons generate airblast loads of sufficient magnitude that structure survival at acceptable cost favors below grade construction. The design of shallow-buried...

Multiple Bolt Row Moment End-Plates
This paper presents a portion of the results of a study to develop design procedures for the extended, multiple row, moment end-plate configuration. This configuration is used in steel...

Behavior and Design of Semi-Rigid Composite Frames
Recent advances and experimental research on the behavior of composite semi-rigid frames indicates that substantial savings can be achieved with this method of construction. The current...

On Steel Connection Data Bank at Purdue University
The aim of the establishment of the steel beam-to-column connection data bank program at Purdue University in 1986 was to provide the necessary data base for the determination of the moment-rotation...

Thin Precast Fiber Reinforced Cement Panels
This paper provides an overview of some current applications, manufacturing methods, and physical properties of thin fiber reinforced cement board products currently produced. Many of...

Chemical Admixtures for Concrete, What is in Them for the Structural Engineer?
The paper summarizes the effect of admixtures on the economy in construction of concrete structures, on their strength, and on their durability under a variety of service conditions. As...

High Strength Concrete - A New Material
In this paper, the material properties and structural member behavior of normal and high-strength concretes are summarized. The current ACI code recommendations are based on results of...

Large Reinforced Concrete Active Reclaim Silos
The design and construction of large reinforced concrete shell silos used to provide economical short-term protected storage for coal and lignite in the active reclaim systems of power...

Design of Steel Buildings for Second Order Effects
Several methods of calculating corrected effective length factors for unbraced frames are presented and discussed. In addition, an alternate format is suggested for the ASD beam-column...

New Directions in the Application of Probabilistic Concepts in the Seismic Analysis of Nuclear Power Plants
During the last 8 years, probabilistic concepts have been used in the seismic analysis of nuclear power plants. Probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) has been the primary vehicle for performing...

Projectile Penetration Into Reinforced Concrete and Steel Targets
This paper presents brief preliminary results of a research program sponsored by the Air Force Weapons Laboratory (AFWL) to investigate the interaction of 30-mm cannon projectiles with...

Top Projects of 1987
Five notable entries in the 1987 Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement competition are summarized. The Keehi Interchange of the H-1 Freeway in Honolulu is only 1.9 miles long, but...

Rescuing the Everglades
After a century of trying to control Florida's Everglades, water management officials have decided that cooperating with nature is better. A new strategy known as the Rainfall...

A Burning Wasteland Reclaimed
Until recently the PJP Landfill exemplified what can happen when uncontrolled and illegal dumping goes on for many years. Now it is an example of what innovation and imagination can do...

Fishing the Four-Lane
Recent changes in one Montana canyon have shown that even highways and freshwater fish can happily coexist with the proper planning. Twenty years ago, the Montana Department of Highways...

Engineers in Court
Engineers who like debating often serve as expert witnesses. Though many avoid forensic work because they find lawyers intimidating, some like the challenge of explaining engineering principles...

Building High Tech in China
The tallest steel structure in the People's Republic of China is being built by an international complement of designers, suppliers, vendors and contractors. It is the 42...

Sewers Get a Breath of Fresh Air
Domestic sewage pump stations and treatment facilities have long been plagued by corrosion and odor problems caused by hydrogen sulfide. It is also extremely toxic. Sulfide production...

Engineering a Marketing Plan
Marketing is today as much a part of the engineering firm as design, drafting, and analysis. As design firms face increasing competition, many principals have begun to recognize that the...





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