Open Channel Flowrate Measurement Using Multipath Acoustic Flowmeters
Recent acoustic flowmeter developments have improved the applicability and accuracy of the multipath acoustic measurement technique. Accuracy, hardware cost and calibration cost can be...

The Effects of Long Term Withdrawals on the Mid and Lower Hawthorne Aquifers, Cape Coral, Florida
The paper reports on a study to assess the water resource availability of two artesian aquifers (the mid-Hawthorn and lower Hawthorn) in Cape Coral, Florida. The impacts of future withdrawal...

A General Microcomputer Approach for Evaluating Ground-Water Responses
A general impulse response function for calculating responses for stream-aquifer interaction, pumping in leaky and nonleaky artesian aquifers, and two dimensional dispersion is presented....

Computer Model Study of a Contaminated Well Field-Groundwater Pollution Source Identification and Contaminant Plume Simulation
Toxic waste contamination is currently threatening the public water-supply wells of the Town of Vestal, New York. As a practical tool to assist the remedial investigation, a two-dimensional...

Data Base Development and Analysis for Water Distribution Systems
There have been a number of studies estimating the costs of repairing, replacing, or renovating aging distribution networks. Although useful in general terms, characterizing a system by...

Reliability Analysis of Water System Capacity
The paper presents, by means of an application, a few promising analytical methods for estimating bulk water system capacity reliability. In particular, this paper examines the applicability...

Reliability Evaluation of Water Distribution System Components
Reliability engineering concepts are substantially developed and have been routinely and successfully applied to the evaluation of electrical and mechanical components. However, these...

Evaluation of Water Distribution Network Reliability
This paper briefly describes six techniques developed for evaluating reliability of systems with complex configuration. Also, a brief comment about the computational aspects and applicability...

Application of Interactive Computer Simulation to Water Resources Problems in Civil Engineering Education
The major educational advantage of interactive simulation is expedient demonstration of system management and control procedures and interrelationships among system variables. An 8 year...

Application of Water Budget to Seepage Loss Estimation
The seepage loss for the emergency cooling water spray pond has been calculated by performing a water balance study for the pond. A field test of the spray pond was performed to estimate...

Agricultural Water Use Efficiency and Water Supply
Effects of improved agricultural practices on non-irrigated areas were determined in a 4000-mi**2 drainage area above Milford Reservoir in Kansas, by use of a continuous computer simulation...

Entrainment of Interstitial Water by Overland Flow
The paper reports on a study to investigate the entrainment of interstitial soil water by overland flow. A diffusion model was developed to describe the subsurface concentration and the...

Turbidity Control Measures Associated with Reclamation of an Abandoned Phosphatic Waste Clay Pond
Area 3A in the Tenoroc State Reserve near Lakeland, Florida is an inactive and abandoned phosphatic waste clay area. The disposal area has been inactive for several years and the clays...

Suspended Sediment Transport from Nonpoint Sources
Precipitation, runoff, and suspended sediment concentration data were collected in a predominantly agricultural watershed in southwestern Illinois from January 1982 through October 1984....

SEDIMOT II Application to a Large Coastal Watershed
SEDIMOT II was applied to Barker Reservoir watershed in Houston, Texas, in order to simulate sedimentation in the drainage area and the relative effectiveness of sediment control strategies....

A Ground Water Flow Model for Protection of the Northwest Well Field, Dade County, Florida
A new study was initiated to determine the appropriate cone of depression for the Northwest Well Field and to develop land use restrictions within that area. A finite-difference ground...

Computer Modeling of Groundwater Flow
In attempting to numerically solve the nonlinear equation for flows in porous media, the Galerkin process, which bears a great similarity to direct methods of the calculus of variations,...

Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant: Twenty Years Experience with Changing Thermal Criteria
This paper and its companion papers focus on one aspect of the environmental impact of Browns Ferry - the discharge of heated water. The paper provides a description of the site and the...

Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Thermal Compliance Monitoring Network: Utilization of Data
An automated water temperature monitoring network was designed to measure ambient and downstream heated river temperatures at Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) in Wheeler Reservoir. The...

The Microcomputer as an Intelligent Workstation in Large Scale Hydrologic Modeling
In an effort to improve the efficiency of the hydrologic modeling activities of the Maryland State Highway Administration (MSHA), a cooperative project between MSHA, the Federal Highway...





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