Unique Installation Methods for Large Interceptor in Poor Soil Conditions
The construction of approximately 1. 5 miles of a major sewer interceptor in downtown Boston encountered some unique construction challenges. The entire route required dewatering during...

Alternative Approaches for Waterhammer Analysis and Pipeline Protection
This paper provides a brief review of typical waterhammer problems and their solutions for pumping systems. Alternative approaches to identify and resolve design problems are discussed....

A Study of Inlet Control Alternatives for SWM
A laboratory study of alternatives for effecting inlet control on urban storm sewer systems for stormwater management (SWM) is described. The test facility was a full-size physical model...

Field Testing of 84-Inch-Diameter Plastic Pipe
During the summer of 1981, a research project was initiated to monitor strains and deformation in 84-inch diameter RPM (reinforced plastic mortar) pressure pipe. Three 20-foot (6. 1-m)...

Stormwater Routing for Small Sites
Traditional hydrologic analyses and detention design procedures are too time consuming and costly to be warranted for small projects. This paper discusses a direct solution for sizing...

Designing for Residual Flooding
Flood control projects should incorporate designs and responses for flooding of the protected areas due to exceedance, overtopping, or failure of the features. Design strategies for levees,...

Real-Time Monitoring for Ohio Basin Water Management
The Ohio River Division (ORD) of the Corps of Engineers operates 77 reservoirs in this basin for the purposes of flood control, conservation, hydropower, low flow augmentation, water supply,...

Geostationary operational environmental satellites (GOES) Data Collection Procedure?Ft. Worth District
The Fort Worth District Corps of Engineers is currently responsible for the daily operation of 22 federally owned reservoirs in Texas. This report describes this district's experience...

Modeling Boundary Layer Flow in Stormwater Detention Basins
An iterative procedure involving an implicit finite difference numerical scheme was implemented on an IBM personal computer for solving steady, uniform and nonuniform boundary layer flow...

South Branch Rockaway Flood Water Study
The paper reports on a study to analyze in detail various methods of storm water management. The technical studies were carried out in an actual watershed setting to arrive at a recommended...

Control of Select Priority Pollutants in Stormwater
A simulation program to generate the runoff quantity and quality for each storm event over a 5 year period was written. Chemical loading rate data from highways was used. Runoff was considered...

The Effects of Long Term Withdrawals on the Mid and Lower Hawthorne Aquifers, Cape Coral, Florida
The paper reports on a study to assess the water resource availability of two artesian aquifers (the mid-Hawthorn and lower Hawthorn) in Cape Coral, Florida. The impacts of future withdrawal...

Data Base Development and Analysis for Water Distribution Systems
There have been a number of studies estimating the costs of repairing, replacing, or renovating aging distribution networks. Although useful in general terms, characterizing a system by...

A Shoppers Guide to Urban Stormwater Micro Software
Due to limited information provided by the ads, potential users may need to call or write to several vendors (or perhaps even purchase several packages) before finding one to meet their...

Application of Interactive Computer Simulation to Water Resources Problems in Civil Engineering Education
The major educational advantage of interactive simulation is expedient demonstration of system management and control procedures and interrelationships among system variables. An 8 year...

Levees at St. Louis?More Harm Than Good?
The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Louis District (SLD), conducted an evaluation into the effects of Federal flood control projects on St. Charles County. Questions to be addressed...

Turbidity Control Measures Associated with Reclamation of an Abandoned Phosphatic Waste Clay Pond
Area 3A in the Tenoroc State Reserve near Lakeland, Florida is an inactive and abandoned phosphatic waste clay area. The disposal area has been inactive for several years and the clays...

The Microcomputer as an Intelligent Workstation in Large Scale Hydrologic Modeling
In an effort to improve the efficiency of the hydrologic modeling activities of the Maryland State Highway Administration (MSHA), a cooperative project between MSHA, the Federal Highway...

Urban Stormwater Investigations by the U.S. Geological Survey
Urban stormwater hydrology studies in the U. S. Geological Survey are currently focused on compilation of national data bases containing flood-peak and short time-interval rainfall, discharge...

A Micro-Computer Simulation Model Based on South African Hydrology
This paper presents the development of a micro-computer compatible hydrological simulation model wherein an attempt has been made to satisfy some of the modelling needs in South Africa....





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