Performance of Viscoelastic Dampers in World Trade Center Towers
The viscoelastic damper was conceived and developed as a part of the structural design for the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, New York. They are an integral and an essential part...

Wind Forces Measured on a Tall R.C. Chimney
This paper describes some aspects of an analysis performed on measurements of a variety of parameters relating to the wind, wind forces on and the response of a tall chimney. The results...

Drop Test of Dolos Armor Units
Dolosse are concrete armor units used for the cover layer on many breakwaters and jetties. In order to study their complex loads and structural response, a prototype study at Crescent...

Comparison of the Third and Fourth Edition of the Guide: What is New and Different
The fourth edition of the 'Guide to Stability Design Criteria for Metal Structures' is a unique collection of ideas and information on stability problems. It...

The Fourth Edition of the SSRC Guide presents a state-of-the-art information on beam-columns for use by specification writers, researchers, and designers. The present paper is an extremely...

Circular Tubes and Shells 4th Edition of SSRC Guide
The 3rd edition of the Guide was the first to have a chapter devoted to Cylindrical Tubes and Shells. Chapter 14 in the 4th edition is a major revision of Chapter 10 in the previous edition....

Cumulative Damage of Structures
Structural response records may be analyzed to estimate relative motions of civil engineering structures. Several methods are available for the estimation of cumulative damage on the basis...

Polymer Concrete for Structural Applications
Polymer concrete (PC) has been used extensively in the United States primarily as a repair material for portland cement concrete. The excellent flexural and compressive strength durability...

Substitute Wind Concept for Elastic Stability of Cooling Tower Shells
The influence of the nonaxisymmetric wind distribution on the stability behavior of cooling tower shells is examined. It is demonstrated, considering about 50 cooling tower shells, that...

Reliability of Structural Systems With Multiple Limit States
The purpose of this paper is to present a systematic treatment of the reliability of structural systems with multiple limit states. Several performance criteria (e. g. , excessive deflection,...

Geotechnical Practice for Waste Disposal '87
This volume contains 55 papers covering many aspects of geotechnical issues associated with waste disposal. The papers represent advances during the intervening decade since the first...

Environmental Engineering
The American Society of Civil Engineers annually sponsors a Specialty Conference on Environmental Engineering. The 1987 Conference was held in Orlando, Florida on July 7-9, 1987 with cooperation...

Dioxin and Resource Recovery
The 1987 ASCE Dioxin and Resource Recovery Symposium was held at the New York Hilton Hotel, New York on February 10, 1987. The conference served as an opportunity to assess the issue of...

Engineers in Court
Engineers who like debating often serve as expert witnesses. Though many avoid forensic work because they find lawyers intimidating, some like the challenge of explaining engineering principles...

Building High Tech in China
The tallest steel structure in the People's Republic of China is being built by an international complement of designers, suppliers, vendors and contractors. It is the 42...

Engineering a Marketing Plan
Marketing is today as much a part of the engineering firm as design, drafting, and analysis. As design firms face increasing competition, many principals have begun to recognize that the...

Comparison of TRC 212 and SR 209 LOS Calculations
With the release in 1985 of Transportation Research Board (TRB) Special Report (SR) 209, numerous traffic engineering agencies began the transition to new methods of calculating capacity...

Modeling Permissive Movements in TRANSYT-7F
Traffic Network Study Tool (TRANSYT-7F) is one of the most widely used traffic flow analysis and traffic signal timing optimization models in the United States and elsewhere. Through 'Release...

Integrated Information System for Traffic Control Device Management
Traffic engineers and planners have the day-to-day responsibility to maintain the safety and operational efficiency of streets and highways in their jurisdictions. Managing traffic control...

An Adaptive Control Strategy for Signalized Intersections
This paper presents a microprocessor-based computational strategy for real-time demand-responsive traffic signal control. The strategy, termed OPAC (Optimization Policy for Adaptive Control),...





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