Hoover Dam Earthquakes Reconsidered
In 1936 and 1937 as the water rose behind Hoover Dam, earthquakes were felt in the Boulder City area and as far away as Las Vegas. Interest in induced seismicity was renewed in 1967 with...

Arch Dams for Small Hydroelectric Sites
Approximate formulas are developed for the design of small arch dams. These designs, although conservative, frequently allow for economies over other dam types. Considered are: an approximate...

Control System Design Considerations for Small Hydro Projects
This paper deals with the philosophy that must be embraced when specifying a fast track small hydro project. The major areas discussed are: the role of control systems in the context of...

Conventional Machinery/Unconventional Applications
The U. S. Bureau of Reclamation has become increasingly involved in small-scale hydroelectric projects involving unconventional applications for conventional hydraulic machinery. One ongoing...

Nanpil River Hydropower Project Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia
The Nanpil River Hydropower Project is a 1600 KW run-of-the-river hydropower project located on the tropical island of Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia. The hydropower project will...

Electrical Design of Small Hydro Plants
Major aspects of electrical design criteria for small hydro power plants used in co-generation schemes are: turbine control, generator and excitation equipment selection, protection relaying,...

Specification Writing for Small Hydro-Generators
For small hydro projects, it is all too common for the spec writer to use a convenient off-shelf spec usually written for a much larger unit. Minor modifications (primarily ratings) are...

Thermal Monitoring of Leakage Through Dams
The technique involves very accurate temperature measurement at shallow depth below the reach of the surface diurnal cycle. Temperatures respond to subsurface water movement (with advective...

Dynamic Analysis of Existing Tarbela Intake Towers
According to general practice at the time of the design, the pseudostatic method of applying earthquake loading was used. The basic acceleration was 0. 1g. A post-construction seismological...

Conversion Experience at the Chief Joseph Dam Project
In August, 1983, Woodward Governor Company was awarded U. S. Army Corps of Engineers contract DACW67-83-C-0076 to convert ten existing Allis-Chalmers and six existing Woodward Governor...

Carmen-Smith Uprate & Modernization
The Carmen-Smith Powerhouse is located on the upper McKenzie River, 75 miles northeast of Eugene, Oregon. Carmen's two nearly identical 42. 1 MVA vertical hydroelectric turbine...

Modernization of Existing Hydroelectric Power Stations in Conjunction with Conversion to Automatic Operation
The easiest and, in the long run, the least expensive method in most cases is the installation of an electronic turbine governor that is not only easy to incorporate in the power station...

Experiences During Overhaul of Hydroelectric Units
This paper describes some of the conditions found during major overhaul of main units at two hydroelectric power plants. Problems encountered and their solutions are described. The effects...

More Kilowatts with Less Investment
The paper discusses partial or complete modernization of hydraulic units and/or governing system as a means to increasing profitability. A combination of general and case history applications...

Analysis of Expanding the Wolf Creek Powerplant
The Nashville District, Corps of Engineers, is examining the feasibility of expanding the Wolf Creek powerplant to increase its peaking capability. The economic analysis of peaking expansions...

Application of Computer Aided Design and Analysis Tools for Upgrading Existing Power Plant Equipment
This paper presents examples where state-of-the-art computer aided design and analysis techniques have been applied to upgrade hydraulic performance and structural reliability of existing...

Performance Consideration for Selecting a Static Excitation System
Many hydropower plants today are being upgraded with new static exciter/regulator systems to replace the old existing rotary exciters. One type of system is the semi-inverting system where...

Infrastructure Development and Turbine Building
Aggressive development schedules which characterize many projects imply a degree of construction management know-how or alternatively, may say something about the state of the industry...

Renovation of the Shoshone Powerplant, Wyoming
Shoshone Powerplant and Buffalo Bill Dam are located on the Shoshone River approximately 5 miles (8. 1 km) west of Cody, Wyoming. The Powerplant was completed and the first two generating...

Synopsis: Ozark-Webbers Falls Turbine Repairs
The Ozark and Webbers Falls powerhouses were designed and constructed under the supervision of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers and are located on the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation...





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