Infrastructure Planning for Private Sector Investment
To minimize the use of public resources for infrastructure development, major works are being initiated in Latin America with studies designed to attract capital investment from the private...

Infrastructure Planning in Beirut, Lebanon
This paper presents a comprehensive framework for structuring the decision process of planning for transportation infrastructure rehabilitation and development in the city of Beirut, Lebanon....

Identifying a New Role of the Future Planner
It has been amply demonstrated over the last three decades that public planning is subject to great uncertainties, both in dealing with new technologies as well as in dealing with fuzzy...

Risk Analysis of the Financial Viability of the New Denver Airport
A risk analysis of the financial viability of the New Denver International Airport, conducted for the U.S. General Accounting Office, showed it highly unlikely that the new airport would...

Fuzzy Sets Model for Evaluation of Bridge Projects
This paper presents the formulation of a computerized decision support system that would aid the bridge engineer in long range planning of bridge funding needs, specially, to select the...

Uncertainty in Infrastructure Management
The difference between committed costs and actual expenditure is a margin of control in project management. By using a measure of uncertainty we construct a cost-risk evaluation framework...

Projecting Land Use/Transportation Interactions
The inherent uncertainty in forecasting the interaction between transportation capacity and induced development has resulted in insufficient analysis of this dynamic in the transportation...

Digital Imaging as a Design Tool
On most engineering projects, schematic drawings offer a technical representation of a structure to clients. For staff or the public who are not technically knowledgeable, though, schematics...

Treating Uncertainty in the Design of Horizontal Curves
A model based on expected total cost minimization approach is developed for determining optimal horizontal curvature for highway sections. Expected total cost is defined as the sum of...

Risk Analysis Methodology for Life Cycle Benefit Analysis of Innovative Construction Technologies
The adoption of new construction technologies into practice moves very slowly since participants in the construction processes are extremely risk adverse. Innovation barriers are characterized...

An Application of Scour Hazard Analysis and Management
A phased study for the assessment of bridge scour vulnerability is presented. Its objectives are to: (a) initiate a field assessment program, (b)establish data handling capabilities, (c)...

Sensitivity Analysis of Financial Forecasts for MBTA Infrastructure Investment Program
This paper describes a financial analysis methodology and model developed for the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA), which provides comprehensive projections of the relationships...

Planning for Electronic Toll Collection
With major plans for toll plaza expansion to accommodate growing patronage, the Florida Turnpike had to consider options for reducing future right-of-way acquisition and still provide...

Implementation of the Indiana Bridge Management System
Management of a bridge system involves a complex decision-making process. A comprehensive bridge management system provides a set of tools that aid this process by selecting improvement...

A Short-Term Demand Forecasting Model from Real-Time Traffic Data
Developing real-time traffic diversion strategies is a major issue of Advance Traffic Management Systems (ATMS), a component of Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems(IVHS). Traffic diversions...

Implications of Uncertainty in Transportation Control Measures: A Case Study of the Los Angeles Truck Management Program
The Los Angeles Department of Transportation has proposed a peak period travel restriction aimed at heavy-duty trucks on all Los Angeles streets. The ordinance is designed to reduce the...

Case Study of Electronic Toll Collection in the Central Artery/Tunnel Project?Boston
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the issues involved in incorporating new technology, specifically electronic toll collection into a large, long-term construction project. The paper...

Use of Fuzzy Theory for Dealing with Uncertainty: Evaluating Alternatives Under Uncertainty
A method to deal with uncertainty which is associated with vagueness and ambiguity is presented. Fuzzy sets are introduced to account for vagueness in expression and fuzzy measure is introduced...

High-Tech Landfill Caps
Just as federal and state regulations detail every aspect of landfill location, construction and operation, they now detail every aspect of its design closure. A typical municipal solid...

New Wells Safeguard Scenic Tahoe
Surface water for drinking and for snow-making is becoming scarce in the Lake Tahoe region, along the California and Nevada border. New Environmental Protection regulations regarding surface...





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