Estimation of Flash Flood Potential for Large Areas
A methodology for determining the potential for flash floods in small basins within large geographical areas is presented. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) technology is used to...

1995: Where the Past (Paleoflood Hydrology) Meets the Present, Understanding Maximum Flooding
Paleoflood hydrology has become accepted in the scientific, engineering, and regulatory communities and increasingly is being used to complement engineering hydrology throughout the Rocky...

Development and Application of a Dual Drainage Model for the Wethersfield Area of the City of Hartford, Connecticut
A combined system, with overflows, existed in the City of Hartford, Connecticut. Although effective in the context of design standards prevailing at the time of its original design, the...

Pipe Network Analysis and Design in Developing Regions. Case Study: Novokuznetsk, Siberia
Pipe network analysis, design and optimization in developing countries poses some unique problems, yet, is of paramount importance. Under these conditions, there is frequently only sparse...

Aquifer Transmissivity Computations Based on Data from Pump-and-Treat Facilities
Contamination from petroleum hydrocarbons spilled from USTs is a concern in urban areas that depend on shallow unconfined aquifers for their water supply. Studies on the transmissivity...

Managing Great Lakes Water Levels: An International Partnership
During this century, the levels of two of the Great Lakes have been regulated; Lake Superior since 1921 and Lake Ontario since 1960. The regulation is directed by the International Joint...

System of River Floods Warning in Ukraine
The diversity of climatic, geomorphologic, and soil conditions causes significant space differences in the conditions of river flood formation in Ukraine. The Carpathians region is the...

Application of GIS Technology to Floodplain & Habitat Analyses
A long-term flood control and maintenance plan for the Mojave River, located in southern California, is currently being developed to satisfy permit requirements for state and federal regulatory...

Design of Riparian Habitat Replacement in Active Floodplains
Conventional flood control engineering techniques and approaches that have been traditionally been applied are now challenged by the public and no longer readily available as floodplain...

Optimizing Municipal Wastewater Treatment in Cold Climates: Scale, Process and Benefits
Although conventional wisdom demands large, centralized facilities for municipal sewage treatment, much has recently been made of the potential of low tech, decentralized systems for wastewater...

The Balanced Indigenous Population (BIP) and Statistical Process Control (SPC) in Marine Pollution Ecology
This account discusses the regulatory requirement of maintaining a Balanced Indigenous Population (BIP) as it relates to an ocean outfall. A brief history of the development of the BIP...

Physical Distribution System Models for Assessing the Impact of Water Quality on Regrowth and Corrosion
Over the past several years, there have been several new and proposed Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) regulations that will require many water utilities to modif treatment operations to...

Overview of the US Army Corps of Engineers Flood Control Channels Research Program
The objective of the Flood Control Channels Research Program, currently being conducted at the US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, is to develop design guidance and systematic...

Reversibility Measures for Sustainable Decisions
Increasing stress on the environment and current norms of sustainable development have prompted the formalization of new approaches to decision making. This may be achieved through the...

Biopolymers for Geotechnical Applications
A number of bacteria, e.g., Alcaligenes eutrophus, have been employed to produce large amounts of intracellular polyester, poly-?-hydroxy butyrate...

Simulation of Perilithic Algae as a Biofilm and Its Interaction with the Water Column
A one-dimensional bioflim model has been constructed consisting of a particulate phase of algae and inert material and diffusive transport of nutrients and oxygen. Also included is mass...

Identifying Potential Trophic Relationships and Bioaccumulation Pathways between Fish and Invertebrates
A large ocean monitoring database was used to quantify relationships between demersal fish, epibenthic macroinvertebrates (EMI) and benthic infauna that provide potential pathways for...

Uncertainty in Comparative Analysis with Continuous Nonpoint Source Pollution Models
There have been few attempts to quantify the impact of parameter uncertainty in comparative analysis with continuous nonpoint source pollution models. This paper presents the results of...

Flash Floods and Their Warning in Vietnam
At present, in Vietnam flash floods occur on small mountainous catchments and cause considerable damage to lives and property, to the national economy, and to the environment. The flash-flood...

Determination of Bridge Scour Velocity in an Estuary
Determination of the appropriate design for protection against bridge pier scour depends significantly upon the design velocities at the project site. In estuaries with large influences...





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