A Lagrangian Model for Surface Buoyant Jets
A model is developed to predict the trajectory of a surface buoyant discharge into a large receiving water body. A Lagrangian approach is used to trace the path of a `control volume' of...

Improved Hydraulic Features of the HEC River Analysis (HEC-RAS)
The Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC) is in the process of developing a Next Generation (NexGen) of hydrologic engineering software. The goal in the area of river hydraulics is to develop...

Energy Dissipation for a RCC Stepped Spillway
A two-dimensional physical model study was used to quantify the kinetic energy dissipation of the steps in a roller compacted concrete (RCC) stepped spillway. The steps were effective...

One- and Two-Dimensional Analysis of Flow in Hotophia Creek, MS
A numerical experiment on the influence of a sand bar encroachment on the stream flow pattern is reported. The results of a two-dimensional analysis were compared with results of an equivalent...

Climatic Perspective on the 1993 Mississippi R. Flood
The 1993 summer flooding in the Upper Mississippi River Basin was the most devastating flood of modern times with damage estimates in the range of 15-20 billion dollars. The paper describes...

1993 Mississippi Record Stages and Levee Failures
Record-setting stages, flooding duration, and multiple levee failures are distinguishing features of the Mississippi River 1993 flood. The peak stages reached at stations along the Illinois...

Monitoring and Modeling the Transport of Coarse Single Particles in Mountain Rivers
The dynamics of single cobbles was studied in the alpine river Lainbach using the Magnetic Tracer Technique (MATT) and radiotransmitters (PETSY = PEbble Transmitter SYstem). Our measurements...

Design of Manning's-Rougness-Coefficient Study in New York State
Field-collected hydraulic data can be used to compute roughness coefficients for channels with different hydraulic characteristics. Suggested criteria for the design of a roughness-coefficient...

Bias in Regression Estimates of Manning's n
Selected equations for estimating roughness for gravel-bed streams were tested using a composite data set containing much of the data used to define the equations. All equations tested...

A Study on Mathematical Model for Sediment Yield in Mountain Regions with Large Hillside Slopes
Based on the characteristics of water and soil loss in mountain region with large hillside slopes in southwest of China, the equations of runoff formation and sediment yield are obtained....

Boundary Conditions and Flow Patterns in a Mountain River
Flood flow patterns in mountain valleys may be influenced by longitudinal variations in channel and valley morphology and by temporal variations in boundary conditions. This study utilizes...

Fluvial Hydraulics of Streams and Mountain Rivers with Mobile Bed
The local hydraulic conditions concerning the incipient motion of the bed material in mountain streams are considered. Results of measurements carried out by using the radioisotope tracer...

Energy Losses in Steep Tributary Streams at Flows Near The Threshold of Bedload Entrainment
The flow patterns in mountain tributary streams that depends on the channel morphology, cobbles, boulders and debris that protrude along the channel and bank height cause energy losses...

Thresholds for Gravel and Cobble Motion
Flows necessary to initiate motion of rocks on a lateral bar along the Gunnison River in Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Monument are observed. Gravel and cobbles are painted and...

Some Benefits of Grid by Number Sampling
Describing the overall sediment composition of gravel-bed river reaches and depositional bars is a difficult problem due to spatial variations in the sediment size. Past research has focused...

Effects of Particle Shape on Bedload Transport
The effects of particle shape on bedload transport in gravel-bed streams are examined using a similarity approach and fractional transport analysis for data from Piceance Creek, Colorado,...

A General Theory of Channel Adjustment in High Gradient Streams
The paper presents a theory of channel adjustment in high gradient streams. This theory states that given sufficient energy, stream channels will adjust their dimensions and flow hydraulics...

A Mechanism of Pool Formation and Maintenance in Forest Streams
Laboratory and field investigations illustrate a hydraulic mechanism responsible for the formation and maintenance of pools associated with large, in-channel obstructions in forest streams....

Estimating Local Bed Shear Stress in Large Gravel-Bed Rivers
The local bed shear stress ?o1 cannot be directly measured and is typically estimated using flow observations in various theoretical or empirical...

Coarse Sediment Transport and the Maintenance of Fish Habitat in the Upper Colorado River
An analysis of the relation between discharge and boundary shear stress is presented for an alluvial reach of the Colorado River near Grand Junction, CO. The analysis indicates that the...





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