Stability Criteria for Revetments
A simplified 'black box' approach is presented for a number of revetment systems for banks and shore protection. The design criteria, based on the physical similarity...

Application of the Generalized Channel Routing Model
Using the linear full dynamic finite difference model the applicability of diffusion and kinematic wave models is investigated. Two dimensionless numbers are suggested for applicable range...

Kinematic Wave Based Hydrologic Models with Different Solution Methods
The hydrologic simulation models RUNOFF and HEC-1 are applied to a 3212-ha watershed in New Jersey, and performances of the two models in predicting historical stromwater hydrographs from...

A Generalized Diffusion Wave Flood Routing Model
A generalized diffusion wave model for flood routing is presented. The model can incorporate detailed data on natural cross sections and river bed geometry. An accurate numerical method...

A Multimode Scheme of Characteristic Method for Open Channel Flows
This paper deals with the stability and accuracy of a multimode scheme, based on the method of characteristics, for unsteady one-dimensional open-channels flows. This scheme combines three...

Diffusion Wave Overland Flow Module
This paper documents the diffusion-wave overland flow module contained in the FORTRAN-callable routine OVERLAND. Subjects covered include the theoretical background, model formulation,...

Equivalence Between Regular and Irregular Waves in Movable-Bed Models
Laboratory experiments were conducted to evaluate various irregular wave parameters to determine which provides the best match for the regular wave parameter used to develop design guidance....

Flow Field Near an Inland Navigation Tow
As a vessel moves through a body of water, disturbances are created in the form of altered water levels such as waves or drawdown and altered flow fields such as increased velocities and...

Prototype Measurements of Flows Induced by Navigation Tows
Present projections of growth of commerical navigation traffic indicate that annual tonnage per tow and/or number of tows will continue to increase through the foreseeable future. In order...

Compact Pump Sump Design
This paper details the design criteria chosen to construct a pump sump within several on-site constrictions. The physical size restrictions of the site necessitated the construction of...

Redondo Beach King Harbor Model Studies, California
Redondo Beach King Harbor frequently experiences damage when large winter waves occur in conjunction with high water levels. Damages consist of revetment failure, land erosion, flooding,...

Effects of Tide on Variation of Beach Profile
Effects of tide on variation of beach profile are examined experimentally. It is clarified that tidal effect appears differently when it acts on beach of different profiles. Namely, in...

Waves Generated by Recreational Traffic on the Upper Mississippi River System
Vessels of all sizes, from canoes to 15-barge tows, share the Upper Mississippi River System (UMRS), and every vessel interacts with the river by means of its displacement, propulsion,...

Real Time Flood Forecasting in New Zealand
Current New Zealand real time flood forecasting research developments are described. Successful flood forecasting using a linear system transfer function technique is described. Promising...

Sediment and Aquatic Habitat Associations in River Systems
This paper results from the Task Committee's effort to summarize knowledge linking sediment transport and aquatic ecology. This paper presents one element of this work: the...

CCM Overtopping Protection on Three Parkway Dams
Cellular concrete mat (CCM) overtopping protection systems have been designed for and will be installed on three small embankment dams along the Blue Ridge Parkway. Based on recent field...

Overtopping Protection for Embankment Dams
Modifications that allow safe overtopping during large flood events can be made to existing embankment dams. These modifications are on the leading edge of technology and require special...

Impact of Agricultural Levees on Flood Elevations
Agricultural levees are used in many low-lying areas to protect farmlands from floods. The levees are often constructed, maintained, and improved on an ad hoc basis by farmers or with...

Slurry Removal From a 2-D Fluidized Region
A two-dimensional fluidization experiment is performed on fine sand with a 5.08 cm diameter source pipe with horizontally opposed orifices, 0.317 cm in diameter, spaced 5.08 cm. Slurry...

Overview of International Ocean Energy Activities
An overview is presented of international research and development activities in four energy conversion areas: ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC); wave energy conversion; tidal energy...





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