Making the Trains Run On Time
The Skokie, Ill. rail shops were constructed in 1928 and all cars in the Chicago Rapid Transit system are repaired and maintained at this yard. But as the cars have become more sophisticated...

Grouting Through a River
A regional sewer district in Ohio is implementing a master plan to separate storm and sanitary flows, decommission some old treatment plants and upgrade others. Part of the plan, the West...

Bart to the Future
Construction has reached the midway point on the $2.7 billion San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District Extensions Program. The first three extensions, due to open in 1995, will expand...

San Francisco CSO
Today, even a light rain can overload San Francisco's combined sewer overflow (CSO) system, sending untreated sewage and stormwater into the bay and ocean. This is especially...

Taming the Red River
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers completed its last great waterway project, the Red River Waterway in Louisiana, Dec. 31, 1994. The project took more than a quarter of a century and $1.8...

Guarding Against Scour
An overview of the magnitude of the bridge scour problem in the United States is presented, using recent bridge failures to illustrate the problem. Procedures and results from the ongoing...

Chicago Remaps Itself
Chicago, famed as the City of the Big Shoulders, is taking its own measurements in preparation for the 21st century. The city is in the midst of a $10 million, multi-year project to create...

Beyond Water Witching
Ground-water exploration is usually an uncertain and expensive endeavor. Since late 1993, however, Golder Associates Inc., Redmond, Wash., has been working with time-domain electromagnetics...

Stormwater Management Solution
Flash floods are a threat to both existing homes and future development in the Scottsdale, Ariz., area. Engineers studies various alternatives for effective stormwater management an weighed...

Camden Composting
The 201 Facilities Plan for Biosolids Management prepared for the Camden County Municipal Utilities Authority (CCMUA) recommended in-vessel composting as the ultimate biosolids disposal...

Computing in Civil Engineering
These proceedings consist of papers presented at the Second Congress on Computing in Civil Engineering held in Atlanta, Georgia, June 5-8, 1995. The proceedings cover major areas of concern:...

Designing for Drama
Near the Passaic River in Newark, N.J., not far from the famous Iron Bound restaurant district and Newark's Penn Station, construction crews swarm around the steel skeleton...

Demolishing NAPLs
Dynamic Underground Stripping is a combination of in situ steam injection, electrical resistance heating, and fluid extraction for rapid removal...

Groundwater Management
This proceedings, Groundwater Management, contains papers presented at the International Symposium held in San Antonio Texas, August 14?16,...

Lifeline Earthquake Engineering
This proceedings contains papers presented at the Fourth U.S. Conference on Lifeline Earthquake Engineering held in San Francisco, CA, August 10-12, 1995. The conference was organized...

Northridge Earthquake
Lifeline Performance and Post-Earthquake Response
This monograph describes the earthquake performance, emergency response, and recovery for the following lifeline systems: electric power, water, wastewater communications, roads and bridges,...

Waterpower '95
This proceedings contains the papers presented at the Waterpower '95 conference held in San Francisco, California, July 25-28, 1995. The conference brought together owners,...

New York Gets Wired
With users of New York City DOT's computer-aided drafting and design reaching the limits of the computer system, the department decided to turn the situation to its advantage,...

Restoring a Stream Corridor
The Stream Restoration Project is an environmental remediation project in a residential area in the Northeast United States. The soil in the flood plain of the stream was contaminated...

Critical Issues and State-of-the-Art in Lifeline Earthquake Engineering
This proceedings of the session sponsored by the Technical Council on Lifeline Earthquake Engineering in conjunction with the ASCE National Convention in San Diego, California, October,...





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