3-D Particle Tracking for the New York Bight
This paper describes the development and testing of a three-dimensional particle tracking model for the New York Bight. A number of particle tracking options have been developed to predict...

An Experimental Model Using a Graphical User Interface
This paper describes a program named Plume which runs on a microcomputer. The intended function of the program is to enhance an investigator's understanding of the estuarine environment...

Techniques for Visualization of Estuarine and Coastal Flow Fields
A variety of formats for the display of velocity vector components are presented and assessed. The effective transmittal of information to the viewer is the criterion emphasized. The special...

A PC Modelling System for the Simulation of Transport and Fate of Solutes and Suspended Substances
PARTICLE is a numerical computer model for the simulation of transport and fate of discharged, dissolved or suspended substances. The model is based upon the Lagrangian approach and calculates...

Continuum Model for Flows in Emergent Marsh Vegetation
Modeling of flows in tidal marshes requires modifications to the classical equations of open channel flow. In this study, the authors formulate an equivalent continuum model for tidal...

Modeling the Pathways of Nonconservative Substances in Estuaries
ELAmet is a model for nonconservative chemical transport which solves the advection/dispersion/transformation equation using a modification of Eulerian-Lagrangian methods. In this paper...

Circulation Modelling and Water Quality Prediction
A circulation and water quality modelling system for use in areas where horizontal transport is dominating is presented. The water quality can either be described as BOD-DO processes or...

Preliminary Circulation Simulations in Apalachicola Bay
A three-dimensional, time-dependent ocean circulation model utilizing an orthogonal, curvilinear horizontal grid is being adapted to Apalachicola Bay to study the dynamics of the salinity...

Numerical Simulation of a Shallow Estuary?Weeks Bay, Alabama
This paper describes a study of Weeks Bay, Alabama, an estuary located on the eastern shore of Mobile Bay in the northern Gulf of Mexico. In this study the WIFM model is used to simulate...

Numerical Simulation of Tidally Induced Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamics of New York Bight
A time-varying three-dimensional (3D) numerical hydrodynamic model has been applied to the coupled New York Bight, Long Island Sound, and Hudson River flow system. The modeling effort...

A Finite Element Model for Three-Dimensional Flows Along the West Coast of Vancouver Island
Extensive salinity and temperature measurements taken during June 1984 are used to calculate a three-dimensional density field for the west coast of Vancouver Island. Combining this field...

Two-Dimensional Circulation Modeling of the Pamlico River Estuary, North Carolina
A two dimensional, vertically averaged, unsteady flow model was applied to a 50- kilometer reach of the Pamlico River estuary, North Carolina. The model computational grid, which consists...

DYNLET1: Network Model for Tidal Inlet Dynamics
This paper introduces DYNLET1, an efficient, versatile, and accurate one- dimensional numerical model for computing tidal flow in a system of interconnecting channels and bays. Drawing...

Numerical Simulation of Tidal Flow in Shallow Water Bay by Finite Difference Method
A two-dimensional finite difference numerical model to solve the vertically integrated non-linear shallow water equations has been developed using an Alternating Direction Implicit (ADI)...

Evaluation of Modelling Parameters for Simulation of Estuarial Systems
Frequently, the purpose of flow simulation in estuaries and complex river systems is to develop circulation patterns for later use. In particular flow and stage time histories are required...

A Modified Adjoint Method for Inverse Eddy Viscosity Estimation for Use in Coastal Circulation Models
The adjoint method is used to develop an objective analysis technique for estimating the vertical eddy viscosity used in three dimensional oceanic models. A cost functional which consists...

Innovative Reregulation Weirs
Since their construction, hydropower dams have generated more than just power for the Tennessee Valley Authority, they also generated concerns about their effects on river flow and aquatic...

Better Cover-Ups
Designing the final cover for a solid waste landfill or remediation site is often trickier than designing its lining because a cover will undergo more unpredictable stress and distress...

Maximum and Minimum Storage Trajectories That Meet Specific Risk Levels
One of Hydro-Quebec concerns is to operate its installations so as to satisfy the operating constraints. This paper describes a mathematical tool that enables the utility company to state...

Design of Transient and Steady State Drain Spacing
Drain spacings calculated by steady state or transient equations can be made equal by adjusting the design water table height used in the equations. The adjustments are not constant and...





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