Aircraft Noise Monitoring at Denver International Airport
This paper describes design of the noise monitoring system for Denver International Airport. When the airport opens in 1993, the system must monitor compliance with two standards established...

Lagrangian Transport Simulation Using Video Images to Store and Retrieve Parameters
A new technique based on Video Images for Storing and Retrieving parameters (VISR) and its application to model pollutant transport using the Lagrangian discrete parcel method is presented....

3-D Particle Tracking for the New York Bight
This paper describes the development and testing of a three-dimensional particle tracking model for the New York Bight. A number of particle tracking options have been developed to predict...

Developments of Modelling Software for Civil Engineers
The paper describes some of the recent problems in the development of software tools for civil engineers, especially software for hydrodynamic and water quality simulations for environmental...

Modeling Three-Dimensional Circulation and Sediment Transport in Lakes and Estuaries
The transport of fine sediments due to currents and wind waves in estuaries and lakes have been studied by means of field experiments, laboratory experiments, and a comprehensive three-dimensional...

Thirty Year Simulation of Chesapeake Bay Eutrophication
Eutrophication processes in Chesapeake Bay, 1959-1988, are simulated using a three-dimensional model package. Results link the volume of anoxic water to degree of stratification and to...

Passive Dispersive Transport Modelling: Comparison with Experimental Rhodamine Data in the Elbe Estuary, Germany
Aiming at modelling of the complex water mass, suspended matter and pollutant transport in a tidal estuary, the ability of simulating the transport of passive, conservative tracers is...

Model Development for Operational Use to Help Spill Combating and Sea Rescue
Based on twenty years' experience on flow velocity measurements, transport experiments and numerical modeling the three-dimensional (3D) models of water currents, transport and water quality...

A Shell Approach to Modeling Oil Spill Trajectory and Fate and Search and Rescue Operations
A shell approach is employed to facilitate the application of an oil spill trajectory and fate and search and rescue model to a wide variety of geographic areas. In this strategy the model...

The Transport and Fate of Drilling Muds
The disposal of drilling muds from offshore oil platforms is of concern because of the potential effects of pollution from these muds. Both drilling muds and fine-grained bottom sediments...

Continuum Model for Flows in Emergent Marsh Vegetation
Modeling of flows in tidal marshes requires modifications to the classical equations of open channel flow. In this study, the authors formulate an equivalent continuum model for tidal...

Estuarine Environmental Impact Assessment Using a Three-Dimensional Circulation and Transport Model
Two case studies of estuarine environmental impact assessment using a recently developed three-dimensional circulation and transport model are presented following a brief overview of the...

Modeling Transport and Fate of Micropollutants in Coastal Waters
In order to assess rate and risk of pollution of coastal waters, attention should be given to the input of pollutants, the transport of pollutants, the transfer of pollution between water...

Circulation Modelling and Water Quality Prediction
A circulation and water quality modelling system for use in areas where horizontal transport is dominating is presented. The water quality can either be described as BOD-DO processes or...

Modeling Tidal and Wind Driven Circulation in Sarasota and Tampa Bay
As part of an effort to quantify the effects of hydrodynamics on water quality within Sarasota Bay, Tampa Bay and their adjoining waters, a field and modeling study of circulation and...

Control of Contaminant Transport in Estuaries
This paper describes the development of a computational procedure for the adaptive control of hazardous releases in a vertically-mixed estuary. In particular, the control strategy is aimed...

Water Quality Modelling: Prediction of the Transport of Water Constituents in the Weser Estuary (Germany)
Water quality monitoring of the Weser estuary is carried out in conjunction with numerical modelling of the transport processes. For analytical and prognostical studies, and especially...

Numerical Simulation of a Shallow Estuary?Weeks Bay, Alabama
This paper describes a study of Weeks Bay, Alabama, an estuary located on the eastern shore of Mobile Bay in the northern Gulf of Mexico. In this study the WIFM model is used to simulate...

A Three-Dimensional Simulation of Buoyancy and Wind-Induced Circulation and Mixing in the New York Bight
A three-dimensional simulation of the circulation and mixing in the New York Bight has been conducted, forced by (i) wind stress for the year 1987 and monthly-mean heat fluxes at the sea...

Numerical Simulation of Tidally Induced Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamics of New York Bight
A time-varying three-dimensional (3D) numerical hydrodynamic model has been applied to the coupled New York Bight, Long Island Sound, and Hudson River flow system. The modeling effort...





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