Investigation of Chloroform Plumes in a Porous Media
A sand box model was used in the laboratory to study the development and stability of the contaminant plume with respect to space and time. Steady, uniform flow velocities were established...

Characterizing Storm Water Discharges for NPDES Management
A continuous simulation runoff yield analysis model is described which can be used to estimate runoff from any type of land use within a watershed. Such a model can be used to derive statistical...

Verification of the Princeton Transport Code (PTC)
The Princeton Transport Code (PTC) is a quasi-three dimensional groundwater flow and transport code. PTC is implemented using a splitting algorithm that allows the three-dimensional solution...

Model Structure Validation in Groundwater Modeling
Structure equivalence models (SEM), a new concept in groundwater modeling, have been developed to assist in groundwater planning and management. Using SEM, the engineer is able to satisfy...

Field-Scale Research at the TVA Columbus Groundwater Research Test Site
TVA has been conducting large-scale field experiments at their Columbus Groundwater Research test site at Columbus Air Force Base since 1983. This work has been performed in cooperation...

Global-Scale Assessment of Annual Usable Fresh Water
The quantity of fresh water on earth, although very large, is a limited quantity. A major portion of this water is the polar water that is practically unavailable for human uses. The annually...

Sophisticated Computer Tools for Water Management
Sophisticated new computer tools were applied to develop a water management plan for Nassau County, Long Island. A regional groundwater flow model and two 3-dimensional saltwater intrusion...

County Hydrology, Regional Approach
The effort to update the regional hydrology methods of the Santa Clara Valley Water District (District) entails a series of tasks that are long and difficult. This paper enumerates the...

Application of a Density-Dependent Flow and Transport Model to a Coastal Aquifer System
A three-dimensional density-dependent groundwater flow and solute transport model for a coastal region in east-central Florida is presented. The model covers an area of approximately 2900...

Wastewater Treatment and Disposal System for a Vegetable Processing Facility
The authors describe the implementation of a wastewater management system designed to dispose of up to 2.1 million gallons of vegetable processing wastewater generated per day at Bellingham...

A GIS Based, Pilot Scale, Wellhead Protection Project for Southern New Mexico
The 1986 amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) mandated that each state develop a wellhead protection program. Wellhead protection (WHP) means the protection of groundwater...

How Federal Mandates to Protect Wetland Resource Value Necessitates a Multi-Agency Approach to Balance that with Other National Economic Goals
A national controversy focused on wetlands exists because of the complex problem of balancing federal mandated protection of wetland values and needs to pursue national economic growth....

USDA Actions to Replace Wildlife Values Lost Due to Irrigation Improvements ? Colorado Salinity Program
USDA is challenged by the conflict generated within the environmental community between advocates wanting irrigation water conservation and water quality improvements and those wanting...

Optimal Contaminant Plume Management with US/WELLS
A micro-computer based software package developed at Utah State University for computing optimal pumping strategies for well systems (US/WELLS) is demonstrated. US/WELLS is used to determine...

Sustained Yield of the Provo Groundwater Basin
The sustained yield of the Provo Groundwater Basin has been determined by a correlation analysis of the change in groundwater levels with the April-October stream flow at the mouth of...

Modeling the Distinction Between Regional Flow and Flow to Drains
Previous research at the Newlands Agricultural Research Center, in Fallon, Nevada, suggests that the quality of the water flowing to the 15 subsurface drain laterals in related to the...

Optimizing Conjunctive Water Use in a Dynamic Stream-Aquifer System with US/REMAX
Long-term water management planning models frequently use large time steps and must employ fairly crude assumptions (such as average climatic conditions, etc.). Managing stream aquifer...

Distribution of Stable Isotopes in Ground Water in the Rialto-Colton Basin, California
Since 1982, imported water originating in the Sierra Nevada has been used to recharge the Rialto-Colton ground-water basin, about 100 km east of Los Angeles. Stable isotopes of oxygen...

Computer Modeling Approach to Optimize Pumping for Containment of LNAPL Contamination in Unconfined Aquifers
This paper presents an approach to optimize pumping for immobilizing a floating contaminant consisting of a light non-aqueous phase liquid in an unconfined aquifer. The approach combines...

Ground Water Management in the Salt Lake Valley, Salt Lake County, Utah
The perfected and approved water right applications in Salt Lake Valley could potentially withdraw from the principal aquifer a quantity of water far greater than the annual recharge....





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