Seepage/Drainage Investigation Colusa County California
High groundwater in the late winter months saturates the soil profile, causing damage to both crops and soil. Sustained water logging severely damages or destroys orchards. It has generally...

Evaluation of Surface-Water - Ground-Water Interaction Coefficients in Water-Resources Planning Model
A water-resources planning model formulated as a mixed-integer program is used to screen and sequence proposed projects such that the present cost of meeting future water demands is minimized....

Groundwater Modeling - A Management Tool
A hydrogeologic investigation within the South Mountain Complex of south central Pennsylvania was performed to develop a groundwater management program. Using LandSat imagery, low altitude...

Effect of Length of Precipitation Record on Recharge Estimates
The effect of the length of precipitation record on groundwater recharge estimates is examined using data from eleven precipitation gages located on the Nevada Test Site. It is concluded...

Well Field Management Designed to Miminize Impact on Surface-Water Flow
Restrictions placed on the operation of a well field used for public water supply initiated an investigation to develop management techniques that would maximize utilization of the well...

Transport Model for Aquifer Reclamation Management
A contaminant transport model which is specifically designed for management applications is developed. A key feature is the transient velocity field needed in the solution of the advection-dispersion...

Modeling Coal Pile Leachate - A Case Study
Ground water transport of coal leachate from an existing unlined coal storage pile was modeled using the USGS 'Computer Model of Two-Dimensional Solute Transport and Dispersion...

Groundwater Quality Modeling at Redlands/Crafton Area
Organic groundwater contamination exists in the Redlands area of the Bunker Hill Groundwater Basin which is of major concern to the health and water agencies in the region. The contaminants...

Cleanup on a Large Scale
The San Gabriel Basin yields 200,000 ac ft of groundwater a year from 400 supply wells. This water makes up 95% of the Valley's water supply. Already 30% of the water pumped...

Engineering Hydrology
The Surface Water Hydrology Committee, ASCE Hydraulics Division, sponsored this first Symposium on Engineering Hydrology. The Symposium was held jointly with the ASCE National Conference...

Ground Water Management
This manual is designed to present an outline of groundwater hydrology, the details of planning for groundwater management, and a process of selection and implementation of management...

Landslide Dammed Lakes at Mount St. Helens, Washington
The collapse of the north face of Mount St. Helens on May 18, 1980, and the debris avalanche that resulted blocked outflow from Spirit Lake and Coldwater and South Fork Castle Creeks....

An Expert System for Inactive Hazardous Waste Site Characterization
The area of hazardous waste management is a broad and multidisciplinary field requiring expertise in engineering, geology, chemistry and toxicology, and is an ideal area for the application...

Cleaning Up Toxics
Case histories show how several different types of contamination cleanup were handled. In Attleboro, Mass., washwater, used to decontaminate equipment and tools after cyanide was removed...

Bugs and Carbon Make a PACT
At its Chambers Works in southern New Jersey, DuPont was ordered to sharply reduce the BOD load in the wastewater it discharged to the Delaware River. Out of this mandate came the PACT...

Radium Removal from Groundwater Using Sorption to Filter Sand
The use of this novel process to remove sufficient radium from drinking water by filter sand has been demonstrated. A major potential advantage of this process is that a minimal capital...

Contaminated Well Field Study Case History: West Milford Township
The contaminated well field program initiated by the NJDEP has proven effective in enabling a rapid response to a wide variety of water supply and groundwater contamination problems as...

Design Considerations and Experiences with VOC Treatment Technologies
This paper presents a review of design considerations and experiences with packed column aeration for removal of volatile organic chemicals (VOC) from groundwater at various locations...

Ft. Lauderdale Wellfield Protection
Results of the study on groundwater contamination measurement and control are reported. The goal of this study was to ensure a safe and long-term supply of drinking water to the City of...

Testing of Permeable Materials for Retaining Contaminants in Subsurface Leachates
The use of a permeable, retentive treatment system could remove both organic and inorganic contaminants while still allowing flow. A testing procedure for determining the amounts of priority...





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