Environmental Engineering Research Needs
In June 1979 a National Science Foundation�ASCE workshop was convened to prepare a report suggesting top-priority research needs in civil engineering for the 1980s. The field was split...

Reducing Sewer Infiltration/Inflow
Under the terms of the EPA Water Pollution Control Legislation, cities must eliminate excess infiltration/inflow to be eligible for 75% EPA sewerage construction grants. To determine the...

Bypassing Sand at Coastal Inlets
To reduce dredging requirements and to provide calm navigation channels, the U.S. Corps of Engineers often constructs jetties and breakwaters. These structures block sand drifting along...

Reef Runway is First in Airport Design
The Reef Runway Project of Honolulu International Airport constructed on a coral reef, provides approximately 765 acres of new land for the 12,000-ft-long runway with its associated taxiways...

Cofferdams�Economical Flood Protection
Houston Lighting and Power Co. Sam Bertron Generating Station, located on the Houston Ship Channel, had suffered a drop in elevation of 7.5 ft since its construction in 1954. At such a...

EPA Launches Program to Control Hazardous Wastes
In January 1979, the federal Environmental Protection Agency will issue its long awaited guidelines on the control of hazardous wastes. These guidelines will propose a so-called manifest...

Dynamic Planning for Environmental Quality in the 1980's
Proceedings of the Urban Planning and Development Division Specialty Conference, held at the Sheraton Anaheim Hotel, Anaheim, California, July 25-27, 1977. Sponsored by the Urban Planning...

National Conference on Environmental Engineering
Research Development and Design
Proceedings of the Environmental Engineering Division Specialty Conference held in Radisson Muehlebach Hotel, Kansas City, Missouri, July 10-12, 1978. Sponsored by the Environmental Engineering...

Filter Fabrics in Shore-Protection Structures: Save Money, Ease Installation
Over the past decade, plastic filter fabrics have seen growing use in shore-protection structures (e.g. revetments, breakwaters, jetties), river-bank protection schemes, and other areas...

Engineering Foundation; Still Going Strong at 63
An historical review is given about the creation of the EF by Ambrose Swasey in 1914 for issuing research grants and establishing conferences. The initial endowment of $800,000 increased...

ASCE Sharpens Committee Management
With some 500 committees and $500,000 a year spent on committee travel, ASCE has a management challenge. To avoid waste and boost performance of committees, recently the Society asked...

A Critical Appraisal of Some Proposed Changes to the 1972 Water Pollution Control Act
The amendments that will ultimately be made to the 1972 Water Pollution Control Act (PL 92-500), now being discussed by Congress, will be influenced by a number of things happening in...

Proven Organic Coatings for Long Term Protection�� Part II
Recent advances in coatings materials and their application make possible improved protection of structures in normal or aggressive environments. Shopcoating and field application are...

Innovative Design at Florida Bulkhead Reduces Material and Construction Costs
Remedial work to an existing bulkhead at a deep-water berth for Port Everglades, Florida, has been done with substantial savings through the application of innovative design concepts....

Value Engineering Made Mandatory on EPA Projects Over $10,000,000
EPA makes VE mandatory on projects over $10 million. Eleven VE teams in five 40-hour workshops. Isolated changes of $1.2 million on typical $4.1 million project which were acceptable to...

Civil and Environmental Engineering Aspects of Energy Complexes
Proceedings of the Engineering Foundation Conference, Civil and Environmental Engineering Aspects of Energy Complexes, held at New England College, Henniker, New Hampshire, August 3-8,...

Environmentally Sensitive Construction Procedures
Construction procedures produce disruptive effects on human and natural environments. Adverse impacts can be minimized best by environmentally sensitive planning and responsive designs....

Salt Damaged Bridge Decks: Cathodic Helps
Cathodic protection of bridge decks against spalling caused by deicing salts has been demonstrated effective in decks already damaged. Construction of new decks may use other means to...

Proven Organic Coatings for Long Term Protection
Recent advances in coatings materials and their application make possible improved protection of structures in normal or agressive environments. Shopcoating and field application are compared....

Environmental Impact
Proceedings of the ASCE Urban Transportation Division Environmental Impact Specialty Conference, held in Chicago, Illinois, May 21-23, 1973. Sponsored by the American Society of Civil...





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