Selection of Jim Falls Turbine Generators
The selection of the unit configuration for the Northern States Power Company's Jim Falls Hydro Redevelopment Project was based on an extensive evaluation of various turbine...

Rehabilitation of Existing Hydro, Our Oldest Natural Resource
With renewed interest in hydro, many old sites are being rehabilitated to achieve maximum power output and higher efficiencies. Rehabilitated plants are now performing at optimal levels,...

Probabilistic Capacity Value of Nonfirm Hydro Energy
Electric utilities with a predominant mix of hydro generation traditionally apply Energy Planning criteria rather than Capacity Planning criteria in developing their generation resources...

Vilavilani Hydroelectric Project
There is an urgent need to solve the water and energy shortages in the Department of Tacna, on the coast of Southern Peru. The Vilavilani Hydroelectric Project could solve some of the...

Actual Vs. Expected Performance of Small Hydro Projects
This paper presents the results of several case studies of small hydro projects that compare the expected performance with the actual performance as measured in terms of energy generation....

Mini/Micro Hydro Applications in Remote Off-grid Areas of Ontario
This paper outlines the potential for remote off-grid small hydro development in Ontario and the present incentives that exist to develop these resources. Estimated costs of development...

The Electric Consumers Protection Act of 1986 Changes FERC Hydropower Licensing
The Electric Consumers Protection Act of 1986 (ECPA) was signed into law on October 16, 1986. This legislation revised and created new ground rules for the processing of hydropower license...

Licensing and Relicensing After the Electric Consumers Protection Act of 1986
Recent changes in the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) regulations and subsequent, substantive legislative changes have produced a shift in emphasis in the licensing/relicensing...

The New Environmental Requirements of ECPA
The Electric Consumers Protection Act of 1986 ('ECPA') has imposed significant new environmental criteria on the hydroelectric licensing process under Part I...

Hydro Activities Through the 1990's: Focus on Relicensing
This paper discusses some of the more significant issues facing relicensing applicants in light of the new ECPA amendments to the Federal Power Act (FPA). In addition, some ideas for planning...

Issues in License Compliance and Monitoring
With the language in Section 12 of the Electric Consumers Protection Act ('ECPA') of 1986 (now Section 31 of the Federal Power Act), Congress gave the Federal...

Case Study on the Development of a Hydro License Compliance Monitoring System
As the holder of 29 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) licenses, Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PGandE) has an obvious need to monitor and document compliance with the numerous...

Impact of Annual Repayment on Efficient Use of Power Revenues
Congressional efforts to control Federal budget deficits are leading to new requirements for fixed annual repayment of investment in power and irrigation facilities. Traditionally, investments...

New Directions in Financing Water and Power Projects
The financing of water and power projects is not business as usual. Two changes in recent times have resulted in major realignments in the way water and power projects are being financed....

Market Projections for the Hydroelectric Industry
The hydroelectric industry enjoyed a rapid rate of development from 1980 through 1986. This expansion was fed in part by a combination of tax incentives, the PURPA legislation, and high...

Instream Flow Methodologies and Requirements
Instream flow is a term applied to the discharge occurring downstream from and at least partly controlled by a dam or diversion structure. The volume and timing of instream flows most...

Power System Study to Determine Hydro Benefits
This paper discusses evaluation methodologies used by Stone & Webster to determine the power benefits for six potential hydropower projects at existing U. S. Army Corps of Engineers...

Reliable Operation of Hydro-Thermal Power Systems
The demonstrated model allows planners to account for both operating and shortage costs, subject to a constraint on the system failure rate. In addition, the optimal long-term operation...

Pumped Storage and Power System Operations
The 2100 megawatt Bath County pumped storage power station began commercial operation in December 1985 as a jointly-owned project of Virginia Electric and Power Company (Virginia Power)...

Operational Flexibility?A Precious Commodity
This discussion is about Operational Flexibility, as it applies to the generating resources of a large electricity system. The author discusses the situation at Ontario Hydro, operationally...





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