Coastal Dynamics `94
During the past decade, numerical models of coastal dynamics have provided far more information than could be validated with field and laboratory measurements. Lack of data has restricted...

In-Situ Deep Soil Improvement
This proceedings, In-Situ Deep Soil Improvement, contains papers presented at sessions sponsored by the Geotechnical Engineering Division of...

Computer Control of CSOs
Like many older cities, St. Louis has a combined sewer system and is faced with the difficulties of dealing with combined sewer overflows (CSOs). The Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District...

Enter the Dragon
The Chien Tan Dragon Boat train will be the flagship station of the 87 km Taipei Rapid Transit System (RTS) in Taiwan, which consists of eight heavy rail lines, two medium-capacity lines...

Water on Stone
Schal Bovis, a Chicago construction-services firm, has shown that Japan is not entirely a closed market. With more than a dozen major Japanese projects under its belt, it has broken through...

Settlement Analysis
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Manual, Settlement Analysis, presents guidelines for calculation of vertical displacements and settlement of soil under shallow foundations. As soil is...

Meshing Computer Technologies
A growing number of clients, especially state DOTs, are requesting computer-aided design (CAD) documents in a specified format, leaving consulting firms to wonder how many different CAD...

Cable-Stayed Convention Center
Big convention center brings big money. For that reason, officials in Kansas City, Mo. hoped to double the size of the Bartle Hall Convention Center. Little available land, however, surrounded...

Reduction of Head Losses in Tunnels by Means of Shotcrete
Head losses in blasted rock tunnels conveying water to hydropower stations often significantly reduces the energy production in the plant. Typical values on the head losses in tunnels...

Network Management Using GIS
This paper is concerned with the opportunities that arise from combining digital highway networks, relational databases, GIS technology, specialist application software, and workstation...

GIS Application for Post Earthquake Investigation
The Post Earthquake Investigation Team (PEQIT) at the Office of Structure Design, Division of Structures, CALTRANS, has been organized since the 1971 San Fernando earthquake. It is an...

The Use of COGO/GIS in the Route 58 Corridor Development Study: A Case Study
This paper is a case study in the utilization of COGO and GIS software for the Route 58 Corridor Development Program in Southwest Virginia. The planning effort included the evaluation...

Using GIS to Define and Develop TAZ Data
GIS permits users to geographically display database information. It also can provide a common link between two or more previously unrelated databases. Increasingly, these capabilities...

Use of Geographic Information System for Transportation Data Analysis
Origin-destination (O-D) survey data have been usually applied to identify travel characteristics for transportation planning activities. Travel forecasting models are also validated against...

Validation and Application of THE Model's Trip Table Estimation Process
The Highway Emulator (THE) Model is a microcomputer based travel demand forecasting program maintained by the Central Transportation Planning Staff (CTPS). In addition to the traditional...

Transit Network Modelling?A New Approach
London's underground is one of the world's largest heavy-rail underground systems. London underground Limited (LUL) is the main rapid transit operator in London, and is financed directly...

A Microcomputer Program to Evaluate Low Cost Modifications on Urban Freeways
This paper presents a user-friendly, menu-driven microcomputer program, RAMP, for analysis and evaluation of freeway ramp junction level of service. RAMP automates the approximation procedure...

Florida's New Toll Facilities Model
Florida's Turnpike provides a system of user-financed limited access toll highways meeting important transportation needs in the State of Florida, while protecting the interests of its...

Corridor Analysis Using QRS II Route 9 Case Study
This traffic modeling project is part of a larger planning study of the Route 9 corridor through the Town of Hadley and parts of Amherst and Northampton. The Pioneer Valley Planning Comission...

Assignment Modeling with Dynamic Traffic Effects
This paper describes the new traffic assignment modeling provided by the Highway analysis component of the TRIPS package. This tackles some fundamental modeling issues regarding the time...





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