Renovating the Riverside Water Plant?A Case Study
In 1986, the City of Waco, Texas began construction of the first of four projects designed to renovate the Riverside Water Treatment Plant. The water treatment plant was originally constructed...

A Rational Basis for Determining Safety of Containment
Design of waste containment facilities may follow one of three tacts: (1) the liner and cover systems may have prescribed components of predetermined minimum thicknesses and hydraulic...

Effects & Risk Analysis for Time Variable Exposures
The effects of toxicants on organisms in natural settings are a function of both the variations in exposure concentrations and duration of exposure. This paper present analysis procedures...

Modeling Volatile Organic Transport with Vapor Sorption
A flexible finite element simulation model is developed to predict the movement of volatile organic compounds in variably saturated subsurface regions. The model incorporates both the...

Unmixing Mixed Waste
A thermal treatment process successfully converted sludge classified as hazardous chemical/radioactive mixed waste to low specific activity radioactive waste at the National Guard Armory...

Remediating A Fire Site
Machin and Ehresmann describe remediation of a 15 acre fire site at Fort Huachuca, Ariz. An investigation after the fire showed that all of the debris contained asbestos. Sampling confirmed...

An Eulerian-Lagrangian Model for Sediment Transport in Estuaries
We describe a new depth-averaged numerical model for the simulation of the fate of sediments in estuaries. The model, denoted ELAsed, includes the following distinctive characteristics:...

Hydrodynamic Modeling on Vertically Mixed Bays
Extensive model-data comparisons of sea surface elevations and vertically-averaged velocities are performed on the Peconic Bays Estuary, New York, a system of interconnected bays where...

Multi-Dimensional Modeling of Hydrodynamics and Salinity in San Francisco Bay
This paper presents a modeling study of salt intrusion into San Francisco Bay that used a three dimensional finite element model capable of different approximation levels in different...

Technical Work on Flexible Pipe/Soil Interaction Overview?1990
Research in the laboratory and field have been ongoing for the past seventy years on flexible pipe/soil interaction. Virtually all of the early work was done on steel pipe. During the...

Numerical Analysis of Flexible Culverts in Layered Soils
The deformation of flexible culverts is analysed using the finite element method as tool. Results of calculations for installation, traffic and time dependent loads are presented for culverts...

Behavior and Design of Gravity Earth Retaining Structures
This paper summarizes recent research on the soil-structure interaction of gravity earth retaining structures and provides new design procedures for these structures. The procedures currently...

Finite Element Analysis of Hillslope Variations in Surface Runoff
Watershed management decisions are aided through an accurate understanding of hydrologic processes. The finite element method applied to surface runoff with spatially variable hydraulic...

Factors Affecting Neutron Gauge Calibration
Neutron gauge characteristics and soil chemistry affect gauge calibration. External factors also influence gauge calibration and should be considered in the calibration procedure. Gauge...

Relationship of Soil Type and Chemicals to the Calibration of Neutron Meters
Theory of neutron scattering and moderation in matter explains many of the characteristics of calibration curves of neutron moisture probes. Characteristics include effect of atomic species...

Research Needs in Movement of Agricultural Chemicals to Groundwater
Better prediction of the movement of agricultural chemicals to groundwater is necessary to permit development of best management practices to reduce adverse environmental effects of agriculture....

Strategies to Reduce Salt Load in Drainage Water
A study of irrigation efficiency, drainage flow and trace element loading in the drainage water from a 14000 ha irrigation district on the west side of the San Joaquin Valley of California...

Reduction of Deep Percolation and Drain Water
Management of irrigated agriculture for control of toxic trace elements in agricultural drainage waters must include consideration of a variety of factors and their interactions with one...

Geochemical Factors Affecting Trace Element Mobility
Selected geochemical processes to be considered when modeling the movement of trace elements in soils are presented. The topics covered include: solid phase-solubility equilibria, ion...

Hydrogeologic Factors Affecting Trace Element Mobility
Alluvial deposits often comprise the aquifer beneath irrigated lands in the southwestern U.S. The presence of buried stream channels in, and layering of, shallow alluvial deposits are...





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