Channel Routing for Improved Flood Control
Lake Wappapello, located on the St. Francis River in southeastern Missouri, is operated by the St. Louis District (SLD) Corps of Engineers for purposes of flood control and recreation....

Computerized Decision-Guidance System for Management of the Trent River Multireservoir System
A computer simulation model has been implemented for a complex multireservoir system, composed of 44 reservoirs and 52 channels. The model is designed in modular form to forecast inflows,...

The Formation of Meandering and Braided Channels
Flow in alluvial channels implies flow past boundaries that form and deform under the action of the flow. Interaction between the flow and the mobile boundaries produces channel patterns...

Bed Waves Generated by Internal Waves in Alluvial Channels
The flow in an alluvial channel is conceived as a stratified flow both with respect to the velocity- and density-distribution. In such flows internal waves may occur which influence the...

Comparison of n Values in Natural and Dredged Channels
Manning's n values were determined for three stream channels in two complex watersheds in North Mississippi. The study covered a wide range of channel conditions and flow...

Derivation of a Stability Principle from the Shields Criterion
The widely used specific energy equation, which defines the subcritical and supercritical states of the open channel flow, is a direct result of the integration of the Froude number corresponding...

An Alternative Approach to Erosion Control and Mitigation
A case study is presented in which a sediment engineering investigation was conducted to determine the potential effects of a change in flow regulation on the channel downstream of a lake,...

Reliability of Bank Protection Works Subject to Erosion
Sediment movement and changes of bed levels in natural rivers are non-stationary processes. The design of protection works for structures against erosion should account for the time dependency...

Channel Entrenchment Along the Post Creek Cutoff in Southern Illinois
The Post Creek Cutoff was constructed in 1915 by the Cache River Drainage Commission to divert flow from the Upper Cache River to the Ohio River. The construction of the cutoff reduced...

Corps of Engineers' Mississippi River Sediment Studies
In conjunction with the 1838 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers hydrographic survey of the Mississippi River, CPT A. Talcott collected sediment samples in the passes 'to determine...

Sediment Transport Model for Muddy Tidal Rivers
This paper describes the development and application of a one-dimensional mathematical model capable of simulating the changes to the cross-sections of a muddy tidal river over a time...

TVA: A Half-Century of Sedimentation Experience
The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is a regional resource development agency, created by the United States Congress in 1933 and charged with bringing to the Tennessee River watershed...

Integral Length Scale in Sediment-Suspending Flow
The Clauser integral length scale is an adequate scaling parameter for velocity defect profiles in clearwater and sediment-suspending flows in open channels. Velocity defect profiles plotted...

A Coastal Hard Rock Sediment Budget for the Inner Bristol Channel
The dominant input into the inter-tidal zone from the hard rocks bordering the inner Bristol Channel is clastic material. This is derived from coastal recession as a result of subaerial...

Field Measurement of Topography at a River Mouth
The authors have been measuring topography and cross section at the river mouth of the Nanakita River, in Japan. Changes of short-time scale, such as straightening of the river channel...

Mechanics of Mud Flows in Curved Channels with Uneven Beds
Most natural debris flows move through paths that are curved and that have significant bed topography. Owing to the dependence of the mechanics of wet debris containing substantial amounts...

Comparison of Models for Single-thread Streams
A variety of two- and three-dimensional models for flow in curved channels and rivers have recently been made available for engineering use, and the question arises as to how sophisticated...

Relationship Between Channel Migration and Radius of Curvature on the Red River
The system behavior of meanders was investigated on the Red River between Shreveport, LA, and Index, AR. The effects of plan form geometry (r/w) and erodibility of bank material on the...

Goodwin Creek Channel Morphology and Stability
Selected cross sections along Goodwin Creek channel, northern Mississippi, have been surveyed a total of twenty-one times since 1977 to document channel adjustments. Initial results of...

Sediment Transport Rate for Non-uniform Sand
Based on the equations of bedload transport by authors, the functional relation of total sediment transport capacity of flow has been found. The modifying coefficient due to non-uniformity...





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