Characterization of Offshore and Coastal Ice Conditions
Seasonal sea ice conditions typical of nearshore coastal zones are reviewed. Prominent ice features influencing design ice conditions for offshore structures are described. This paper...

Design of Port and Coastal Structures for Ice Forces
Design of ice-affected port and coastal structures cannot be addressed in a few single specific terms, but must instead account for a matrix of elements differing at each site. Evaluation...

Oil Rigs Designed to Combat Arctic Ice
Exploration and drilling rigs now being designed for use in the Beaufort Sea must withstand ice forces never before encountered. Design approaches include using the geometry of these structures...

Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering
The Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering presents information regarding the engineering aspects of dredging, floods, ice, pollution, sediment transport, and tidal wave action that...

Law of the Sea: U.S. Votes No
The United States has voted against the international treaty which will regulate ocean and waterway passage, ocean mining, and fishing rights. Implications are far reaching as the precedents...

Jubail Industrial City: Engineering Monument
The seawater cooling project is a major innovation in engineering accomplishments. Here the project engineers discuss the key civil engineering aspects of the Jubail, Saudi Arabia project...

Sulfer Extended Asphalt
Since the 1973 oil embargo, the Federal Highway Administration has researched and promoted the experimental use of a new pavement binder, sulfur-extended asphalt (SEA). In SEA paving mixes,...

Coastal Zone '80
One hundred thirty-nine papers presented at the second symposium on coastal and ocean management are included. Authors are planners, engineers, government administrators and environmentalists....

Cognac: World's Tallest Offshore Oil Platform
Shell Oil's 1980 OCEA-winner is a three-sectioned design of steel fabrication and deep-sea installation. Cognac is currently the world's tallest, heaviest, and...

Electricity from the Sea
In Hawaii, the state, Lockheed Space and Missile Co. and Dillingham Corp. have conceived, designed and built the first prototype ocean thermal energy conversion plant. OTEC uses the 40�F...

Civil Engineering in the Oceans IV
This conference on Civil Engineering in the Oceans is sponsored by the Technical Committee on Ocean Engineering (TCOE) of the Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Division of ASCE in cooperation...

Measuring the Effects of Man's Wastes on the Ocean
Understanding the ecological effects of municipal wastewater discharged into the ocean depends on data developed by reliable measurements. Municipal wastes are largely residential sewage...

West Coast Consulting Firm Gets Large Minicomputer to Keep Pace with Growth
This article tells the story of computer use in a medium-sized consulting engineering firm in the water resources field, Boyle Engineering Co., of Newport Beach, Calif. In the mid 1960's,...

Coastal Controversies Abound at Record-Breaking Conclave
Coastal Zone '78 was the largest specialty conference ever held by the ASCE, drawing over 1,000 participants from a wide spectrum of professions that are involved in coastal...

NYC's Plan to Meet the Water Quality Challenge
Most parts of New York City's waterways do not meet state standards. Combined sewer overflows cause the discharge of raw sewage. The City's ancient sewer system...

Ports '77
Proceedings of the 4th Annual Symposium on the Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Division of ASCE, held in Long Beach, California, March 9-11, 1977. Sponsored by ASCE, Los Angeles Section;...

California Soon to Have Platform in 850 Ft of Water
Exxon's oil drilling and production platform, to be placed off Santa Barbara, Calif. next July, will stand in water twice as deep�� 850 ft versus about 420 ft�� as any other...

Concrete Barge of First Totally Offshore LPG Facility
Some 20 miles off Java, below waters 95-ft to 135-ft deep, is the Ardjuna Field, from which oil and gas soon will be taken. The adjacent coastal land is marshy, so onshore storage would...

Concrete Replaces Steel in Offshore Coal-Loading Terminal
An open water coal-loading terminal off the east coast of Australia berths 100,000 dwt coal ships. The concrete caissons for the berth were constructed within a drydock and later a breakwater,...

Polyethylene Pipe Solutions to Sewer Outfalls
One of the primary concerns of the Chief of Naval Operations is to insure that environmental pollution standards are met in this country and abroad at those naval bases near oceans or...





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