Splitting Common-Pool Offshore Oil & Gas Revenues
The Department of Interior (DOI) and several coastal states are currently at odds over an issue with enormous financial stakes as well as far-reaching implications in federal/state relations....

Permitting for Oil and Gas Activities in the OCS Mukluk Island?Beaufort Sea, Alaska 1983
In Alaska so little land is in private ownership that the primary means for the oil industry to obtain rights for exploration and development is through State or Federal petroleum lease...

Multiple Owned Coasts: Development & Access
A fifteen mile stretch of coast near the Virginia-North Carolina border is currently undergoing a dilemma associated with development and public access. This region offers an excellent...

Improving Public Access to the New Jersey Shoreline
The New Jersey ocean beaches provide enjoyable recreational opportunities for residents of and visitors to the state. The state's second largest industry, tourism, is dependent...

Designing the Fisherman's Wharf Area, San Francisco Harbor Breakwater
The Fisherman's Wharf Breakwater Project stands out as an example of a complex structure requiring the planning and design talents of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE)...

Management Strategies for a Mangrove Estuary
The management plan for Rookery Bay National Estuarine Sanctuary uses three mutually dependent management strategies: developing and implementing a land and water management plan; conducting...

A Tidal Gauge System in New York Harbor
For over a year, a Real Time Wind and Water Level Telemetry System (RTWLTS or Tidal Gauge System) in New York Harbor has been generating real time data 24 hours per day on actual harbor...

Discharge Zone Classification System for Southern Puget Sound
This paper identifies marine areas where new or expanded discharges are unacceptable based on existing knowledge; e. g. , water quality standards are currently not met, and impairment...

Priorities for Federal Marine Pollution Research
To provide guidance for the national marine pollution research and monitoring program, a workshop was held recently to identify and assign priorities to the marine pollution issues facing...

The World's First Hydrorama
The concept of HYDRORAMA exceeds conventional museum-like operations. It includes hotel/motel accommodation, academic courses organized by world-round university sources, permanent expositions...

Local Financing for Beach Nourishment at Captiva Island, Florida
About 200 miles of the 780 miles of recreational beach in Florida are in a critical state of erosion. Local financing of beach restoration offers a viable funding alternative for communities...

Nonlinear Deformation and Bispectral Change of Random Gravity Waves on Sloping Bed
A WKB-perturbation method is applied to the deformation of random gravity waves in water of slowly varying depth. In the present analysis, a spectral representation of WKB-type is assumed...

Wave Beach Interaction
This paper gives a derivation of the modification factors of wave amplitudes due to the effect of pure shoaling, friction, percolation and their combined effect. The resulting expressions...

A Transformation Technique to Generate a Shallow-Water Directional Wave Climate
The shallow-water wave data must be computed as to be representative of a sufficient length of coast to be useful for most projects, while sufficiently large to filter out many spurious...

Improvement and Construction of Coastal Fishing Grounds in Japan
Development of coastal fishery has become one of the most important issue in the field of food supply. Basically, in order to promote coastal fishery, it is necessary to increase marine...

Roles of Fishing Ports in Local Areas of Japan
In Japan, the utilization of the sea especially in coastal zone has been increased and this tendency will continue in future, because activities on the coastal zone in local areas will...

The Redevelopment of Fisherman's Wharf, San Francisco, California
The San Francisco Port Commission is desirous to upgrade the wharf area to revitalize the fishing fleet. The key element for such redevelopment would be a breakwater to protect the berthing...

Fisheries Planning for Northern Territory, Australia
On behalf of Northern Territory Government the consultants have studied the potential for development and reviewed the present infrastructure. Opportunities as well as constraints to development...

Anadromous Fish Impacts at Proposed Hydroelectric Plants
This paper describes a series of field techniques successfully used by the authors to determine a minimum flow downstream of hydroelectric plants. The minimum flow of water required for...

Zooplankton Entrainment Evaluation in a Power Plant Station
The impact study on the Setubal thermal plant included an evaluation of the plant's effects on zooplankton in the outlet area. After entrainment in the cooling system there...





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