Risks from Metals Emitted by Sludge Incinerators
The types of incinerators most commonly used in the United States are the multiple hearth and fluidized bed designs. Airborne contaminants from either method of sludge incineration may...

Evaluation of Risks Associated with Dioxin Emissions From a Resource Recovery Facility
Dioxin emissions from resource recovery facilities are a current concern to the application of this technology in the disposal of municipal refuse. A quantitative risk assessment performed...

Denver's Dual Utilization Sludge Management Plan
The Metropolitan Denver Sewage Disposal District No. 1 (District) has adopted a Dual Utilization approach to sludge management. This technique uses composting during periods of inclement...

Health Effects Evaluation?Ocean Disposal of Sludge
Court rulings have recently allowed the ocean disposal of municipal wastewater sludge in certain cases. This paper describes a methodology which was developed to determine acceptable loadings...

Environmental Auditing?TVA's Experience
TVA has conducted 70 audits of various TVA operations including construction projects and power plants since 1981. In general, TVA's experience with environmental audits has...

Environmental Auditing ? A Management Tool
This paper discusses environmental auditing as implemented within the Aluminum Company of America (Alcoa) and focuses on auditing as a management tool. The program is covered from its...

Environmental Auditing As a Management Tool
The authors define environmental auditing, explain the purposes of auditing, and describe an audit approach....

Cultivation of Christmas Trees Using Reclaimed Municipal Wastewater
This investigation was initiated to identify benefits and limitations associated with application of reclaimed domestic wastewater to a crop of improved Virginia pine christmas trees....

Water Conserv II - Reclaimed Water for Citrus Irrigation
Water Conserv II is a water reuse project which will involve the use of highly treated wastewater (reclaimed water) for agricultural irrigation. It is anticipated that the project will...

Analysis of Technologies for Small Water Systems
The problems encountered when small systems must meet the provisions of the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations are discussed. Among the potential water quality problems that could...

A Survey of Anaerobic Digester Operations
In 1981, the ASCE Task Committee on Anaerobic Digestion conducted a survey of wastewater treatment plants throughout the country regarding the use of anaerobic digestion. The two-part...

RCRA Compliance During Remediation of Waste Sites
The author discusses the impact of the proposed National Contingency Plan revisions of February 1985, which require that remedies under Superfund must attain or exceed applicable or relevant...

Carcinogen Risk Assessment
The various approaches to assessing carcinogen risk are described and evaluated....

Benefits of Particle Size Management for Biological Wastewater Treatment
Particle size distributions in wastewater can be used to monitor and model the transformations that occur during wastewater treatment processes. Typical size distributions of organic contaminants...

Chemicals in the Environment: An Approach to Estimate Magnitude of Risk
This paper provides an overview of application of toxicological procedures to estimate health risks posed by hazardous materials in the environment. Emphasis will be placed on information...

Seepage and Leakage from Dams and Impoundments
All major dams and impoundments are usually analyzed to determine the magnitude and location of seepage that can occur under, around or through the structure. More often than not, seepage...

Quantification of Transit Losses, and its Effects on Surface-Water Resources, Arkansas River Basin, Colorado
Colorado Water Law enables downstream water users to use natural river channels to convey water from upstream storage reservoirs to downstream canals, provided an equitable charge is made...

Center Pivots: Iron Dinosaurs of Ogallala Aquifer
In mid-1983, USDA's Soil Conservation Service (SCS) staff in Colorado began a 5-year project aimed at reducing the amount of water the state extracts from the Ogallala aquifer....

Rating Systems to Evaluate Onfarm Water Conservation
The U. S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, concentrates its assistance on modernization of onfarm irrigation systems and improvement of water management to provide...

Water Rights in Heber Valley, Utah
The Heber Valley is an agricultural area in Central Utah which is rapidly converting to recreational seasonal home development. There are many competing demands for the available water...





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