Shake-Proof Dams
Seismic trouble spots in California and along the Pacific Coast usually get the most publicity. But many people don't realize that Wyoming, Illinois, South Carolina, Utah...

Digestor Do-Over
Digesters at 6 Orange County (Calif.) wastewater treatment plants needed drastic odor control rehabilitation. Repairs included epoxy patching to cracked domes, installation of a geomembrane...

Pipe-lining a Pipeline
This core prestressed concrete cylinder pipe is now lining the inside of a major water supply tunnel in Alaska. Occasionally found in rock tunnels, or buried pipelines, large diameter,...

Back on Track at Coney
All New York City subway repairs take place at a repair shop in Coney Island. The shop's floor was plagued by settlement problems since its construction on a filled swamp...

Another Geotech Import: Deep Soil Mixing
A technique called deep soil mixing (DSM), imported from Japan, has been used to stabilize an existing dam foundation. When the Bureau of Reclamation discovered that Jackson Lake Dam had...

Ozoning the Aqueduct
Only the second of its kind in the United States, the Los Angeles Aqueduct Filtration Plant is using ozone to treat drinking water. The water comes from the Sierra Nevadas via the 300...

Resource Mobilization for Drinking Water and Sanitation in Developing Nations
The ASCE International Conference on Resource Mobilization for Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation in Developing Countries was held at the Caribe Hilton Hotel in San Juan, Puerto Rico,...

Computing in Civil Engineering
This book contains papers submitted for presentation at the Fourth Annual Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering. General topics include computer graphs, computer aided design, computer...

Supervisory Control System Design
This paper presents supervisory control concepts, elements of a typical system, testing activities, project management, and the procurement process. Modes of control systems are discussed...

Capacity Increase of Multi-Jet Pelton Turbines
The recent connection to the grid of large capacity thermal stations, to meet the increasing demand, has entailed an evolution in the type of services required from storage plants with...

Sultan River Project Operation Study for the Sultan River Hydroelectric Project
The project will be operated to maximize energy production from the Sultan River within the operational constraints imposed by the water demand for the City of Everett and by the instream...

Rock Island District Hydropower
The paper discusses status of hydropower studies within the Rock Island District of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers. It presents an overview of the low head hydropower studies on those...

Economical Computer Controls for Low Head Hydro
Small power systems based on renewable energy sources such as low head water falls, wind, solar and ocean tides all suffer from stochastic changes in input power. Economically viable,...

Small Scale and Low Head Hydro Development in Canada: An Overview of Federal Activities and Policy
Through research and development, new small turbines have been tested and a Darrieus type vertical axis hydraulic turbine (VAHT) has been developed and field tested. Manuals for hydrologic...

Ruedi Dam Hydropower Project
The Ruedi Dam & Reservoir is owned and operated by the Bureau of Reclamation, U. S. Department of the Interior and is part of the Fryingpan-Arkansas transmountain diversion development....

Lemon Dam Hydropower Project
The Florida Water Conservancy District (District), the entity responsible for the operation of the dam and for repayment of the costs, had been interested in the hydropower potential of...

Small Hydropower Potential in Missouri
The hydropower potential of small head plants on the Gasconade River was investigated. Since, it is felt that small head plants will have less environmental impact, thus it will be more...

Selection of Small Hydro Project Sites
In the course of studying nearly forty areas in Peru to identify possible sites for small hydro development and in order to select the best in each area for detailed design, the Authors...

Evaluation of Small Hydropower Sites in Ghana, Africa
Six potential small sites and one mini site under construction were visited. Two additional potential sites were identified from map studies. Flow duration studies indicated that with...

Developmental Changes Due to Site Investigations
The Winooski Hydroelectric Company of Montpelier, Vermont is conducting the reconstruction of Dam #8 on the Winooski River in East Montpelier, Vermont. Unprecedented eminent domain proceedings...





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