Legal Constraints on the Transport of Water
Legal constraints on water transport are based on legitimate concerns for protecting the future interests of the area of origin, but such constraints sometimes appear overly restrictive...

Forecasting Water Use: A Tutorial
In spite of 4,000 years of public water supply system construction, designs have been customarily based on forecasts of future water use only during the last 100 years. Choices among available...

EPA Supported Wasteload Allocation Models
Modeling is increasingly becoming a part of the Wasteload Allocation Process. The US EPA provides guidance, technical training and computer software in support of this program. This paper...

Future Trends in Software Development
The Office of Water (OW) has set program goals of improving the productivity and technical quality of wasteload allocation modeling and water quality-based permitting in the States and...

Optimization of Flood Control Projects
Project optimization analysis techniques have become indispensable tools for the design, management, and administration of flood control improvements. The increasing complexity of engineering...

Optimizing Nonpoint Source Pollution Reduction Costs
This study demonstrates diminishing marginal returns for spending to reduce nonpoint source pollution in Hampton, Virginia. A linear optimization program selected the best combination...

Study of Stochastic Planning and Design of Multireservoir Systems
A new approach named Lumped to Discrete Programming (LDP) coupled with constrained stochastic optimization and successive approximation approach amongst reservoirs gives promise to subtantially...

Solving a State Environmental Agency Computer Maze
This discussion relates the experiences of a state environmental agency in addressing a decade of inadequate attention to the importance of computers and automated data processing to the...

The ADP Problems of a River Basin Commission
The Susquehanna River Basin Commission is an independent governmental agency that recently acquired its first in-house minicomputer system. The staff usage of this system has created two...

The WSSC Integrated System Implementation Project
The software development effort conducted for the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission began in October, 1981 and has been in process since that date. The goal of the effort is to produce...

Risk Assessment for Groundwater Contamination: I
This paper constitutes Part I of a two-part article. Both parts focus on the risk assessment and management process in terms of the ever-present problem of groundwater contamination and...

Risk Assessment for Groundwater Contamination: II
This paper constitutes Part II of a two-part article. Both parts focus on the risk assessment and management process in terms of the ever-present problem of groundwater contamination and...

Computer Model for Wastewater Reclamation
This paper describes how an efficient computer model can be constructed and used to evaluate planning options for wastewater reclamation. The situation in the City of Scottsdale, Arizona,...

Personnel Policies for Operations Management in the Computer Age
The human factor is an essential ingredient and the key element in successful computer applications for water resources or any other field. Engineers in general, and engineering managers...

Basalt System Characterization: Inverse Technique
The Basalt Waste Isolation Project (BWIP) has been established to assess the feasibility of the Columbia River Basalt Group as a host medium for a high-level radioactive waste repository....

Risk-Cost Analysis and Spillway Design
The NRC's recent report on dam safety proposes risk cost analysis to help select among alternative spillway modifications for existing dams. This paper examines the sensitivity...

Reliability and Risk Assessment for Water Supply Systems
Analytical methods for computing the reliability of water supply systems are described and demonstrated. A case study serves to show how risk, which is the economic loss due to shortfalls,...

Reliability Analysis of Urban Water Supply
The high economic and environmental costs of large water supply projects are forcing engineers to consider not only alternative means of increasing system reliability, such as interconnections,...

Setup and Usage of Multitasking Microcomputers for Water Management Problem Solving
Software and hardware that were developed in the evolution of the microcomputer from the Altair to today's state of the art multitasking systems are discussed. The rationale...

Hydrologic Work Group System Using Distributed Task Processing
The notion behind work group systems is that a collection of co-workers, numbering from a few to a few tens of people, is the logical unit around which to build a centralized microcomputer...





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