Offshore Seawater Intake in the Arctic
Waterflood has become a proven technique for enhancing oil recovery from oil producing reservoirs. At Arctic north slope areas, seawater has been used successfully for such operations....

Shear Strength in the Zone of Freezing in Saline Soils
The design of artificial islands and other geotechnical structures to support arctic offshore petroleum resource development requires considerable knowledge of the strength of frozen saline...

Comparison of Wave Overtopping Prediction to Measurements from Large-Scale Model Tests
A recent large-scale physical model study was sponsored by Arco Alaska, Inc. , to evaluate slope designs for an Arctic offshore oil drilling island. The drilling island will be located...

Wave Runup Around Conical Structures
A variety of conical structures have been proposed for use in the Arctic environment, primarily because the inclined surface of such a structure gives rise to reduced ice loads associated...

Design and Model Testing of an Arctic Seawater Intake for Sedimentation and Wave Effects
A seawater intake structure is being designed to provide flood water for tertiary recovery of oil from the Kuparuk oil field near Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. A wave effects study establishes...

The Sand Mattress Method of Slope Protection
The sand mattress concept offers promise as an economical alternative to sand bag armor for two distinct applications: (1) slope protection for exploratory islands and/or causeway facilities,...

Asphalt Revetments for Slope Protection in the Arctic
Experience in the Netherlands demonstrates that slope protection of coastal embankments subjected to heavy wave action can be accomplished with lining systems made of mixtures of asphalt...

Strudel Scour: An Arctic Seafloor Scouring Process
Strudel scour is an arctic phenomenon which occurs every spring when the fresh-water rivers melt and inundate the sea ice cover of the arctic sea. This fresh water flowing out over the...

Cyclic Multiaxial Cubical Cell Experiments on a Norton Sound Silt
A servo-controlled multiaxial cubical test apparatus has recently been used to investigate the behavior of the foundation soil for a gravity structure in Norton Sound of the Alaska Outer...

Arctic Oil Spills in Relationship to Sea Ice Motion
Sea ice on a scale of a few kilometers must be treated as a granular material rather than a continuum. The floes are in nearly constant motion relative to a fixed frame and each other....

Deep Water Bering Sea Development Concepts
A brief description of the major environmental factors that a structure used to produce oil and gas in the deep water Bering Sea would have to cope with is presented. In particular, the...

Single Point Moorings for the Bering Sea
Multi or single-legged buoy systems such as conventional CALMs or SALMs would not survive the winter season in the Bering Sea because the forces generated in the anchoring chains by pack-ice...

Improving Arctic Seafloor Soil Stability
Soft, low strength soil layers at or beneath the Beaufort seafloor mean that soil strengthening may be necessary to ensure the stability of oil exploration and production structures under...

A Beaufort Sea Deepwater Production Structure
There will be a need for large crude oil production platforms in Beaufort Sea water depths between 20 and 50 m and at locations with soft seabed soils and far from readily exploitable...

SAV Reestablishment Results?Upper Chesapeake Bay
In the Susquehanna Flats area of the upper Chesapeake Bay, six submersed aquatic plant species were used to test the feasibility of transplanting SAV into sites which were previously vegetated,...

MILHY?A Microcomputer Based Hydrologic and Hydraulic Model
MILHY is an interactive, single event, lumped parameter model used to estimate streamflows and water surface profiles. The model was designed for use on basins less than approximately...

Methods for Reliability Analysis of Water Distribution Networks
A detailed review of the literature reveals that there is currently no universally accepted definition or measure of reliability for water distribution networks. The purpose of this paper...

Initial Operation Model for the Central Arizona Project
A microcomputer program for operating uncompleted portions of the Central Arizona Project has been developed. Engineers may use this program daily to assist in scheduling pumping plant...

Structural Considerations for a Radwaste Facility
The structural engineer needs to consider several criteria when designing a radioactive-waste processing facility in order to properly balance the requirements of safety and economy. This...

Arctic Foundation Selection: A Decision Matrix
An idealized matrix diagram is presented of the decision making process involved in determing an economic Arctic foundation type that is best suited to the proposed above-grade structure....





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