The extraordinary genius of Arthur E. Morgan
He saw himself as lamentably ordinary and sought to make his mark in some socially significant way. Early in the century he engineered the Miami Conservancy District-the first flood control...

Interstate Highway System
Eventually to cost nearly $90 billion, the Interstate Highway System will connect all U.S. cities of 50,000 and larger, eventually carry 25% of all highway traffic. The article traces...

Philadelphia-three ages of a city
On these pages are the profiles of the City of Brotherly Love in three eras. First come the founding years, and the story of why, though only half as old as Boston and New York, by 1750...

The engineer: what role in the development of civilization?
The engineering profession today is in a state of psychological depression, born out of lost pride in itself. Scoffing at the profession is a dangerous game. For soon, engineers will be...

Professional turning points in ASCE history
In the 125 years since ASCE was formed, not only has the technique of civil engineering evolved dramatically. So has the professional stature of the men and women who call themselves civil...

Developing and Maintaining Client Relationship in the Marketing of Engineering Services
The need for marketing stems from the fact that a firm must grow. It can grow financially, geographically, in size and by diversifying. Marketing includes keeping existing clients and...

Sewering the City of New York
The establishment of a centralized sewerage agency in 1963 has enabled the development of a program to upgrade and augment New York City's sewer system to meet the vital life...

Converting Solar Energy to Hydrogen: Answer to U.S.'s Long-Range Energy Needs�
Sunshine is an abundant, inexhaustible, non-polluting energy source; it is free; and no foreign country can control it. The problem arises in harnessing, storing and transporting the power...

The CRT Computer-Graphics Terminal: Indispensible Design-Aid for Some Structural Engineers
Putting the benefits of computer graphics within the cost reach of many consulting firms are: the development of low-cost ($3,000 to $10,000) storage-tube CRT graphics terminals; and the...

Automatic Surveying � Updating Canada's Control
With Litton's Auto-Surveyor system you can perform third-order surveys driving at highway speeds or flying in a helicopter. With proper planning...

College Admissions for Engineering and Technology
College admissions in general, and entry into programs of engineering and technology have always been less than fully understood processes. By considering the process from the students'...

La Guardia Airport Parking and Terminal Frontage Structure
One of the world's largest parking structures, at New York City's La Guardia Airport, is of special interest because the structural steel has no fireproofing....

Supertanker Fixed Berth in Open Ocean
The oil terminal offshore Tomakomai, Japan, is the world's first fixed dock in open ocean. It must withstand 150 mph typhoon winds. To minimize time, cost and danger of open...

What To Do When the Suit is Served
The way in which principals of a design professional firm respond to a law suit alleging liability has great bearing on the way in which the suit progresses and on its effect on the firm....

Preview�1976 Offshore Technology Conference
In this Eighth Offshore Technology, the 300 papers and 1,300 exhibitors will be related to such topics as semi-submersible drill rigs, pollution avoidance devices, equipment protection,...

Can a Computer Reduce Your Spec Writing Costs�
The most important factors in evaluating use of a computer to write specifications are: the frequency with which a spec section is repeated; and the changes needed to go from master spec...

Today's Northwest Passage
The Lower Snake River Project received the outstanding water resources engineering project award for 1976 from ASCE. The lower 140-mile (225-km) reach of the Snake River from its mouth...

Empire State: Greatest of All Skyscrapers
The Empire State Building! That major name instantly brings to mind Manhattan's intoxicating skyline, a skyline this greatest of all skyscrapers has dominated for 45 years....

Value Engineering Made Mandatory on EPA Projects Over $10,000,000
EPA makes VE mandatory on projects over $10 million. Eleven VE teams in five 40-hour workshops. Isolated changes of $1.2 million on typical $4.1 million project which were acceptable to...

Three Towns: Three Different Solutions to Stormwater Control
That an engineer is a creative solver of people-problems was shown in Kentucky, where a consultant designed stormwater control systems in three towns�� and came up with three different...





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