The National Ground Water Information Center Data Base
The Research Institute, Education Foundation and Publishing Company of the National Water Well Association have long been considered information central for the world's community of hydrogeologists....

Water Use Forecasting and Evaluating the Effects of Conservation Measures
The City of Austin, Texas, instituted mandatory restrictions on water use during a summer drought in 1984 when water use levels beyond 150 million gallons per day stressed the city's...

Water Quality Modeling of Distribution Systems
Computer modeling of hydraulic conditions in distribution systems has been widely applied over the past decade for design and operation of systems. Conversely, little attention has been...

Computer Modeling of Distribution System Water Quality
The WADSY-Q computer program was developed as a tool to analyze water quality patterns in water distribution systems with multiple sources. The program calculates the concentrations of...

Welcome to the Wonderful World of Data Bases (Lessons from an Engineer Turned MIS)
The paper describes some of the problems and solutions surrounding the National Dredging Data Management System (NADDAMS). By an analysis of these problems and solutions, the authors develop...

Water Data Bank of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the United States of America have jointly undertaken an investigation of the ground-water resources of Northern Jordan. An initial step in the investigation...

State-of-the-Art Design of Databases for Water Related Data
This paper presents an overview of techniques for design and application of databases to water related data. The intent is to introduce new concepts to the practicing engineer who has...

Development of a State Information Clearinghouse
The University of Virginia is conducting a study on the feasibility of establishing the Virginia Water Resources Information System (VWRIS). Objectives of the study are: 1) Documenting...

Real-Time Control of Water Resource Systems
Successes in industry and manufacturing and preliminary experiences in the water resources field have documented the productivity and performance benefits obtainable with application of...

Yakima Supervisory Real-Time Monitoring and Control System
The Yakima Remote Control System is a case study application of supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) concepts for the operation and monitoring of a large water resources project....

Computer Conferencing for Managers
The authors describe a computer conferencing/message system called Confer II currently being utilized by the US Army which they have implemented among dredging managers in the US Army...

Optimizing Computer Aided Planning
Computer aided planning may fail if new or untried computer programs or new equipment is used when time is limited. Eleven leadership skills helped the Utah Projects Office, US Bureau...

Diagnosis of Wastewater Treatment Processes
This paper presents an approach to the development of an expert system for aiding the operation of an activated sludge wastewater treatment facility. The expert system incorporates a diagnostic...

Data Base Management Principles
The rapid growth of computing power available in desktop micro and mini computers has placed at the disposal of individual scientists and engineers a very powerful set of tools designed...

Managing a Water Control Database
The management of a Water Control Database is important to the usability of the database. Three areas of importance in the management of a database are: 1. good management practices, 2....

Computerized Operation of California State Water Project
Hydraulic and electrical schedules for the California State Water Project are determined and dispatched from the Project Operation Control Center (POCC) in Sacramento. The dispatched schedules...

Program Monitoring by Database Management
Management of the water resources programs of the Army Corps of Engineers, with its 3 billion annual budget, 27,000 employees, and decentralized organizational structure, is obviously...

Microcomputer-Based Monthly Treatment Reporting
Massachusetts wastewater treatment plants must file monthly operating reports with the Massachusetts Division of Water Pollution Control. A microcomputer-based monthly reporting system...

Savannah River Basin Flood Management Decision Support
The Savannah District Army Corps of Engineers has constructed and now operates three multipurpose reservoirs on the Savannah River. Hartwell, the most upstream of the three projects, is...

Integrated Design Methodology for Urban Stormwater Detention Facilities
The objective of this paper is to present the core of a design methodology that avoids the pitfalls of the design storm concept by using a microcomputer algorithm to estimate the long-term...





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