Port Facility Development: Public Access and Mitigation Requirements
Coordination of compatible uses and resolution of use conflicts requires continuous effort, extending beyond the planning and permit process and requiring long-range committment of staff...

Innovations in Dredged Material Disposal in Puget Sound
This study, known as the Puget Sound Dredged Disposal Analysis (PSDDA), is building on a strong history of federal/state cooperation within Washington which is unique in the United States....

Economical Solutions for Dredged Material Disposal
During the 1970's, the State of Wisconsin expressed concern about contamination of dredged materials and the deposition of pollutants into Wisconsin's Great Lakes...

Tiered Sediment Quality Evaluations for Dredging Projects
Sediment and water quality are evaluated frequently for U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (CoE) dredging projects to assess potential biological effects, as required for compliance with environmental...

An Innovative Solution to the Difficult Coastal Zone Management Problem of Dredge Material Disposal
The New York Power Authority is constructing a 300 km predominantly double circuit 345kV transmission facility through southeastern New York State. A key element in this project is the...

Aquatic Dredged Material Disposal in New England
The Disposal Area Monitoring System (DAMOS) is a large multi-disciplinary environmental monitoring program instituted by the New England Division (NED) of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers...

Use of Sediment Bulk Chemistry Data for Dredged Disposal Management in Puget Sound
Although no fully scientific approach for setting and interpreting sediment chemical levels is currently available, an effects-based approach for using bulk chemistry data was evaluated...

Protocol for Deep Ocean Disposal Monitoring
Deep ocean sites are presently being considered for the permanent disposal of wastes. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in conjunction with other agencies, is mandated to monitor...

California: Private Beaches Yield to Public Access
California, often a leader in championing public rights, has grappled with the issue of private ownership versus public usage of the seashore, and in recent years has developed interesting...

Judicial Solutions to Beach Access Problems in New Jersey
Legal doctrines notwithstanding, access to public trust beach is still, in many locations, inconvenient, expensive, or impossible. Private property signs containing threats of fines or...

The Washington State Public Access Program: Finding Solutions to the Shortcomings
This paper discusses the problems of providing adequate public access and focuses on many of the solutions which have been found and implemented in Washington State. In 1983, the Shorelands...

Resident Only Moorings: A Sign of the Times Or an Endangered Species?
As the demand for mooring space has increased in various coastal harbors throughout New England, many New England coastal communities have enacted legislation giving either explicit or...

A Design rReview Board's Role in Developing Public Access
In the past 20 years, the Bay Commission, through its permit process, has required that new public access be provided along more than 100 linear miles of the shoreline of San Francisco...

Public Access on Private Property in New York City
The New York City Waterfront Revitalization Program (WRP) was approved by the city's governing body, and the New York State Secretary of State in 1982. The WRP established...

Methods for Developong a Management Plan for a Small Tidal Inlet: Mecox Inlet, Long Island, New York
Few management studies have examined small ephemeral tidal inlets. The magnitude of short-term shoreline changes associated with some ephemeral inlets makes desirable the development of...

Civic Solution: Lake Forest Shoreline Restoration
Recognizing the need to protect its public shoreline against erosion and to restore the area for optimum public recreational use, the City of Lake Forest, Illinois, appointed a 23-member...

Assessment of Beach Nourishment Methodoliogies
Although artificial beach nourishment has become a common practice for mitigating beach erosion in the U. S. , it lacks clear rationales for achieving optimum benefits. Four recent large-volume...

Nearshore Sand Sources for American Samoa: An Alternative to Using Beach Sand
Using a combination of geophysical techniques, in situ observations, and sampling by scuba divers, we investigated along the south shore of Tutuila Island, American Samoa, for nearshore...

Coastal Zone Management Practices, Northwest Brittany, France
Over the entire coast of Brittany, three government programs have sponsored over 81. 9 million francs (6 ff equals US1, approx. ) of coastal-related programs since 1968. Projects vary...

Restoration of a Construction-Scarred Dune
The rehabilitation and extension of the north and south jetties at the entrance to Siuslaw River required the contractor to stockpile jetty stone in nearby surge piles in order to maintain...





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