The Long-Term Climate Change Assessment Task of the Protective Barrier Development Program for Low-Level Waste Site Remediation at the Hanford Site
A study plan is being developed to guide a multiyear program to assess long-term climate change and optimize the design of protective barriers. A protective barrier alternative is being...

Environments of the Last 50,000 Years in the Vicinity of Yucca Mountain, Central-Southern Nevada
Located within the southern hydrographic Great Basin, the Nevada Test Site lies astride the transition between the Mojave Desert to the south and the Great Basin Desert to the north. Fossil...

Modeling Future Climates for Nuclear Waste Disposal
In order to ensure safe long term storage of nuclear waste it is necessary to consider possible consequences of future climate change. A program of long term climate scenario development...

Wave Propagation in Hyper-Structures
The concept of hyperelement was introduced by E. Kausel and J.M. Roesset, 1977 in connection with the derivation of the dynamic stiffness matrix for layered continuum problems involving...

Dynamics of Composite Tubes
A displacement-based stiffness method is used to study the characteristics of dispersive wave propagation in laminated composite cylindrical tubes. It is assumed that the tube is composed...

Space-Based Control of the Climate
The expected global greenhouse warming of 2 ?C may be reversed by a space-based screen that intercepts 3% of the incident solar radiation. Space-based devices may also mitigate the ozone/UV...

Large Space Systems in Global Change Mitigation
Alternative courses of action are an important aspect of reacting to climate changes, including the greenhouse effect, and other environmental issues such as depletion of the ozone layer....

Black Holes
For many years, scientists have searched the skies for black holes; stars even more massive than white dwarves. As of yet, there have been no 100% sure sightings. Since they do not emit...

Some Hydrological Impacts of Climate Change for the Delaware River Basin
To gain insight into possible impacts of climate change on water availability in the Delaware River, two models are linked. The first model is a monthly water balance model that converts...

Predicting Effects of Global Climate Change on Reservoir Water Quality and Fish Habitat
This paper demonstrates the use of general circulation models (GCMs) for assessing global climate change effects on reservoir water quality and illustrates that general conclusions about...

Curvilinear Long Wave Hydrodynamic (CLHYD) for Tidal Circulation and Storm Surge Propagation
The objective of this paper is to demonstrate the ability of a two-dimensional long wave hydrodynamic model to simulate long wave processes in curvilinear coordinates. The series of tests...

Multidisciplinary Hydrologic Investigations at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
Future climatic conditions and tectonic processes have the potential to cause significant changes of the hydrologic system in the southern Great Basin, where a nuclear-waste repository...

Sounding Out Buried Waste
Geophysical diffraction tomography (GDT) is a new remote sensing technique for quantitative high-resolution subsurface imaging. It is similar to optical holography where long wavelength...

Strides in Nondestructive Testing
Stress wave methods of nondestructive testing are increasingly used in civil engineering applications. Four case histories of the use of different types of stress wave testing are given....

Slips Ahoy
Klancnik discusses the markets for marina construction in the 1990s. The past decade saw a boom in the boating industry and in the design and construction of marinas. The market will remain...

Characteristics of Flood-Producing Rainstorms in the Midwest
At the Midwestern Climate Center, a comprehensive re-evaluation and updating of heavy rainstorm frequency relations for 9 Midwestern states is in progress. A special effort is being made...

Climate Change and Resulting Hydrologic Response: Illinois River Basin
In the last 20 years, the northern half of the Illinois River basin has been experiencing a wetter and cooler climate. This climate change has significantly increased Illinois River flows...

Possible Climate Change and Its Impact on Snowmelt and Water Supply in California
Global climate modelers are forecasting relatively large future climate change, with warming of 2 to 5?C. These changes, if they do occur, would have major impacts on California's...

Two-Dimensional Modeling of Overland Flow
Two-dimensional distributed finite element (F-E) and finite difference (F-D) models are developed to simulate storm events on arid watersheds. The F-E model uses the kinematic wave approximation,...

Large Floods and Climate Change in the Southwestern United States
Floods can have a tremendous impact on water resources but their properties may fluctuate at frequencies that defy recognition in short-term instrumented records. Paleoflood deposits provide...





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