Column and Beam-Column Design - A World View
This paper is concerned with the design of columns and beam-columns in steel building frames. Design provisions found in some selected codes viz. AS DR87164 87(Australia), BS5950 Part...

Space Frame Solution for the Design of Large Pyramid Structures
This paper presents the engineering design methodology, structural analysis, system detailing, and installation procedures for a large span space frame structure currently under construction...

The Georgia Dome and Beyond: Achieving Lightweight - Longspan Structures
In the last two decades, the development of longspan roof structures has undergone a quantum leap. The introduction of steel structures, fabric structures, Bucky Fuller's tensegrity structure,...

Georgia Dome Cable Roof Construction Techniques
This paper will provide a case study of the construction of the Hypar-Tensegrity Cable Roof for the Georgia Dome. The paper will emphasize innovative computer analysis of the construction...

Fabric Structures for Public Buildings
The design of the enclosure structure of the new Denver Airport derived from twenty years of experience with the design and engineering of fabric structures for permanent buildings. This...

Innovations in Major Suspension Bridge Design
Before the Tacoma disaster, the trend in bridge-building is on increasing slenderness. But since its occurrence, a high degree of aerodynamic stability is required. Presented are designs...

Tensile Structures Highlight New Denver Airport
The tensile membrane structures of the Landside Terminal of the new Denver International Airport are the most recent and most significant application of tensile structure design. The advanced...

Tensegrity Structures: Filling the Gap Between Art and Science
Underlining the role of structuralism in contemporary architecture this paper addresses the application of structural morphology in the context of an educational experience. Focussing...

Application of Computer-Aided Structural Engineering
From as early as 1988, the Civil/Structural Group of Bechtel Corp.'s Houston Regional Office has viewed its automated production tools as components of a production system. Intergraph's...

Digital Signal Processing Techniques for Active Structural Control
In the past, implementation of active structural control strategies employing PC-based hardware has been problematic due to excessive computational times required for processing the measured...

Galveston Bay 3D Model Study, Channel Deepening, Circulation, and Salinity Results
Galveston Bay in Texas contains the Houston Ship Channel connecting the port of Houston to the Gulf of Mexico. Due to navigational hazards, the Galveston District Corps of Engineers began...

Assessing Effects for Disposal Sites off San Francisco
A simple particle tracking model has been used to estimate the size of deposition footprints and transient turbidity effects in the water column resulting from disposal of dredged material...

Assessing the Impact of Channel Deepening in Delaware Bay Through Numerical Modeling
A three-dimensional numerical hydrodynamic model of Delaware Bay is being developed to assess the impact of deepening the navigation channel from near the mouth of Delaware Bay to the...

Dredging Impacts on Delaware Estuary Tides
This study summarizes historic dredging activities and historic tidal trends in the Delaware Estuary. Since 1910, large-scale dredging and maintenance projects in the Delaware Estuary...

Nowcast System Development for the Straits of Florida
As part of the inaugural program for the Ocean Pollution Research Center at the University of Miami, a nowcast system is being developed for the Straits of Florida. The nowcast system...

Numerical Simulations of the CCS under the Joint Effects of Coastal Geometry and Surface Forcing
Using the S-Coordinate Rutgers University Model (SCRUM) of Song and Haidvogel(1993), a coupled coastal (86 m depth) and deep ocean (4600 m depth) California Coastal region has been investigated...

East River Modeling of Water Quality for Multiple-Project Assessments
The East River Model (ERM), which employs the RMA-2V hydrodynamic and RMA-4 water quality modeling code, was used by Lawler, Matusky & Skelly Engineers to assess water quality...

Validation of a Continental-Scale Storm Surge Model for the Coast of Delaware
Coastal structures are designed to provide protection against various forces of nature acting in the coastal zone. Structures such as seawalls are expected to provide onshore protection...

Applications of Large Domain Hydrodynamic Models to Generate Frequency-of-Occurrence Relationships
This paper describes theory and application of the Empirical Simulation Technique (EST), a statistical procedure for simulating time sequencing and frequency-of-occurrence relationships...

Demonstration of the Wes New York Bight Hydrodynamic Model in Long Island Sound
Recently, a three-dimensional numerical hydrodynamic model of the New York Bight developed by the Waterways Experiment Station was applied to the Long Island Sound subregion, using NOAA's...





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