Parameter Estimates for a Groundwater Model
This paper presents a parameter sensitivity study of a two dimensional flow and transport model of a contaminated site. Hydrogeological and site data from previous investigations were...

Optimization Modeling for Sedimentation in Alluvial Rivers Considering Uncertainties
A nonlinear optimization model is formulated for determining optimal reservoir releases to minimize channel bed aggradation and degradation in downstream rivers. The model is based upon...

Surface Flows Over Intertidal Marshes
A marsh-flow measuring device has been designed to quantify the flow across the marsh surface. The fluorometric technique by tracking the visible substance (Rhodamine red dye) applied...

Current Legal Issues in Sedimentation
This paper represents the updating of Chapter 7 for Manual 54. There has been considerable change in legal rulings and precedent law since the first edition of Manual 54. Many of these...

Updating Chapter II?Sediment Transportation Mechanics
Chapter II, the most comprehensive chapter of the Sedimentation Engineering Manual, has aged. The manual prepared by the Task Committee for the Manual on Sedimentation was published by...

Scour Analysis at Highway Structures
ASCE Manual 54 entitled, `Sedimentation Engineering' is being revised. In the revision, a chapter on `Scour at Highway Bridges' will be included. This paper will describe in general terms...

Modeling the Fate and Transport of Toxic Heavy Metals in South San Francisco Bay
A two-dimensional vertically-averaged finite element model for the fate and transport of cohesive sediments and associated toxic heavy metals was utilized to predict the spatial and temporal...

Incipient Motion in Gravel-Bed Rivers
Incipient motion processes are reviewed for bed material in gravel-bed rivers. Prediction difficulties are identified. Research results are reported for field and flume studies to investigate...

Sediment Budgets in Gravel Bed Streams
A sediment budget/mass balance technique is presented for use in assessment of sediment transport by river reach in gravel bed streams. Selection of appropriate gravel bed transport equations,...

Extreme Events and Coastal Wetlands
Temporal ecosystem behavior in tidal wetlands can be static, dynamically stable, progressively changing, or subject to catastrophic change during extreme events. Catastrophic change in...

Weaver Bottoms Backwater Rehabilitation
Navigation channel dredge material was used to construct closure structures and islands in lower pool 5 on the Upper Mississippi River in 1986. Primary objectives included aquatic habitat...

A Study of Lateral Bed Slopes Developed at Bend
A study was conducted to compare seven actual cross section profiles of Philip Bayou Realignment with the lateral bed slopes estimated from the model derived by Ikeda titled `Sediment...

Effect of Grain Size on Sediment Transport Calculations
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is currently developing a `Hydraulic Design Package for Flood Control Channels' (SAM). SAM is capable of computing sediment rating curves and stable channel...

Nonuniform Transient Sediment Transport Modeling
A numerical model based on Lai's (1991) multimode scheme for fully coupled simulation of water and sediment movement in mobile-bed alluvial channels with nonuniform bed materials has been...

Problems with Numerical Modeling of Gravel-Bed Rivers
Inherent to one-dimensional numerical models are the assumptions that hydraulic parameters can be assigned a characteristic average value, and that the flow is gradually varied so that...

An Artificial Neural Network for Computing Sediment Transport
This paper describes the use of artificial neural network (ANN) analysis as a computing device for estimating sediment transport in open channels. The application was developed from 1,455...

The Flushing Flow Problem on the Trinity River, CA
Flushing flows are high flow releases designed to remove fine sediment accumulated in river gravels downstream of reservoirs. These releases must be designed to maximize transport of sand-sized...

Fractal Dimension of Aggregated Sediments
Cohesive sediment dynamics in estuarine systems are strongly affected by particle aggregation and flocculation. These processes are mainly controlled by the Brownian motion, flow turbulence...

Mass Transport in Mud Layer Induced by Wave Action
This paper analyzes the mass transport velocity in a two layers system produced by wave action. In a previous paper, Piedra Cueva (1933), a theory for linear water waves propagating in...

Sediment Disposal and Transport in Central SF Bay
The relocation of dredged material from navigation channels in the Francisco Bay is crucial to the movement of deep-draft shipping and shallow-draft recreational vessels. The margins of...





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