Environmental Impacts on a Beach Nourishment Borrow Area, Manatee County, Florida
The author describes how environmental restraints affected a beach nourishment project in Manatee County, Florida. The project's principal sand source contained 24 million cubic yards...

Investigation of the Offshore Bathymetry and Sedimentology of Folly Island, SC: Determination of Potential Offshore Sand Reseves for Beach Renourishment
The authors report on a beach renourishment project started in January 1993 in an attempt to reestablish a high tide beach along most of Folly Island. The objectives of this study were:...

Modification and Layout of the Galveston Island Groin Field for Retaining Sand on Beach
In the past hundred years or so, numerous groin fields have been constructed along the world's coastline. Many of these have little or no existing beach in the groin field. This paper...

Dependence of Shoreline Change on Channel Dredge Material Disposal Practices, Humboldt Bay, CA, A Case Study
This paper addresses the evaluation of dredge material disposal sites for Humboldt Harbor with emphasis on the Humboldt Open Ocean Disposal Site (HOODS) and the potential impact of its...

Vertical Distribution of Sediment Under Waves
This paper is based on the research foundation of vertical relative distribution of sediment concentration and alluvial bed stability under waves. Amended theories of E. W. Lane and A.A....

Bioengineering Methods to Establish Salt Marsh on Dredged Material
Erosion is a substantial problem on many shorelines of the Galveston Bay complex, as well as other bays of the Gulf of Mexico. Erosion can be prevented by structural measures such as riprap...

Berm Placement Planning Study at Breton Island, Louisiana
This paper identifies tools that are being utilized to determine the most environmentally beneficial location for a nearshore berm to be constructed at Breton Island, Louisiana. The computer...

Geologic Assessments and Characterization of Marine Sand Resources?Gulf of Mexico Region
The U.S. Geological Survey conducts geologic surveys and research in marine areas of the United States and its territories and possessions. An objective in some of the investigations is...

Longshore Sediment Transport and Radionuclide Dispersion in the Black Sea Coastal Zone
After the Chernobyl accident the studies of the longshore sediment transport in the Black Sea have got new applications connected with a marine pollution problem. The method to calculate...

Scientific Basis of Regulation of Coastal Processes (Case Study: Coast of the Black Sea)
SIA Saknapirdatsva experience in creation of gravel beaches for the coast protection from wave erosion is generalized in this paper. A conclusion has been made that the most expedient...

Calculation of Longshore Sediment Transport on Abrasive Coasts with Attached Pebble Beaches
The calculation scheme and expressions are suggested for flow power of universal nature which expresses the flow capacity such that the sediment transport is proportional to the flow longitudinal...

Specific Features of the Russian Black Sea Coast Dynamics and Morphology (Kerch Strait?Psou River Mouth)
The general contour of the Russian Black sea Coast was formed during the last transgression. Definite dependence can be treated between the modern coastline configuration and transformations...

Specific Features of Shoreline Development in Sochi Region and Engineering Methods of Coast Protection
A coast segment from Tuapse City to the Psou River, 113 km long, is extended in this paper. Geological description of the coast has been made, and approximate values of the abrasion rate...

The Flows of Suspended Sandy Material Along the Section of Bulgarian Coast
Combining of available models of elementary hydro- and lithodynamic processes in a single calculation scheme permits to evaluate the volumes of detrital material transported either way...

About Some Dynamic Conditions of the Beach Sedimentary Strata Formation on the Bulgarian Sandy Coast of the Black Sea
Based on detailed studying of the beach sedimentary sequence composition in sections of perpendicular trenches in the western (Bulgarian) coast of the Black sea and comparison with results...

Morphology of the Wadden Sea Natural Processes and Human Interference
The Wadden Sea can be subdivided in three morphodynamic units: the tidal flats, the inlets and the barrier islands. The deeply incised tidal inlets are the most active of these units;...

Disposal of Dredged Material from the Estuaries
The silting up of harbours and the lower parts of rivers are serious problems. These problems can be characterized in terms of quantity and quality. Two separated cases are described....

Aquatic Disposal of Dredged Material in the Belgian Part of the North Sea
Extensive research and study on the behaviour of dredged material after dumping in the sea has been conducted on the disposal grounds S1 S2 and Zb Oost located in the southern Bight of...

Coastal Zone Management in Accra, Ghana
The coastal zone of the capital city of Ghana, Accra, is facing a critical stage in its evolution. In the newt 20 years, the population is expected to more than double from the presently...

Coastal and Sand Spit Evolution from 1958 to 1992: Saloum River Mouth (Senegal, West Africa)
From the bathymetric map made in 1958 with the Marine Hydrographical Service in France (Number 6147), the 1976 Landsat imagery, the 1981 SPOT simulations, the 1991 SPOT data and the field...





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