Emerging Markets for System Engineering
System engineering provides a double edged sword for those involved in water resources development and management. The tools used in the analysis and development of complex water resource...

Diagnostic Options for Pipeline Rehabilitation
The various diagnostic options utilized for solving pipeline problems/failures continue to increase at a very rapid pace. Field reconnaisance and/or man-entry of pipelines is becoming...

Methods for Designing Hydraulic Aquifer Remediation Techniques
This paper reports on recent research to develop methods for accommodating uncertainty in designing hydraulic remediation systems for contaminated aquifers. The methods rely respectively...

Adaptive Control of Groundwater Hydraulics
Adaptive control has been extensively applied in industrial settings for the control of unknowns systems, systems with uncertainty in the parameters. The approach is recursive, the response...

The Use of GIS in the Study of Water Resources
GIS is becoming an increasingly important tool to the water resource plannar and manager. However, in order to integrate GIS effectively into this field, current and future hydrologists...

A Control Method for On-Demand Operation of Open-Channel Flow
This paper proposes a control system for the automatic operation of an open channel having upstream and downstream gates. The main issue is the use of a discrete-time algorithm which computes,...

A Comprehensive Algorithm for Network Calibration
An explicit calibration algorithm is proposed which provides the direct and rapid adjustment of the pipe roughness coefficients and junction node demands that exactly meet a specified...

Characteristics of Flow Over the Bucket with Gradually Varied Curvature
The bucket of a high spillway dam or a spillway tunnel is one of the parts that easily to be damaged by cavitation. A new type of bucket curve was suggested with gradually varied curvature...

Optimal Control Configuration for Active Control of Structural Vibrations
An active tendon control mechanism is used to control the vibrations of a bridge-like structure. A single control force controls three modes of vibrations. Special attention is paid to...

A Hybrid Expert System for Design with Geosynthetics
A prototype hybrid expert system is presented that selects geosynthetic materials and performs detailed designs for different geotechnical applications. An expert system is used to give...

Architectural Lessons Learned From Hurricane Hugo
All of us in the building design professions have learned many lessons in the last year since Hugo. My experience, as with many of us in the design profession in Charleston, has been on...

Pumping In and Pumping Out: Case Histories of Fluidized Sand Bypassing for Channels and Beachface Dewatering for Beaches
New technologies can change management of sand in coastal areas. Fluidization, pumping in additional water beyond the quicksand point, makes a 50:50 sand-water slurry that will flow down...

Dune Maintenance
Beach nourishment and stabilization may be achieved through the replacement of sand eroded from the dune. A generalized description of the physical processes and the storm protection benefits...

Port Layout Optimization for Large Bulk Carriers in a Strong Tidal Currents Site
To provide the sheltering conditions of Ponta da Madeira Terminal (TPM) in Sao Marcos Bay, in Sao Luis, Brasil, two rubble mound groins were designed and constructed according to hydraulic...

Rehabilitation of Vertical Thin-Walled Breakwater
Physical hydraulic model tests were conducted to measure wave transmission and force characteristics of a partial vertical thin-walled breakwater. Tests were run for the breakwater in...

Geological Assessment of Offshore Sand Deposits
The United States Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico continental shelf contains large numbers of surficial sand deposits. The search for sand resources for metropolitan construction and coastal...

Beach and Cliff Erosion Processes at Solana Beach, California, 1984-1990
Observations of back beach elevation changes, profiles and cliff erosion over a 7-year period from 1984-1990 provide a detailed local view of these processes and rates at a typical Southern...

Grunion Spawning Versus Beach Nourishment: Nursery or Burial Ground?
At Cabrillo Beach in San Pedro, California, a major sand renourishment project was scheduled to commence during the annual grunion spawning season, which occurs from February through August....

Rise and Intrusion of Caspian Sea Water into Mazandaran Province Coastal Lands
The Caspian sea water level was -29.13m (MSL) in 1977 and reached -27.68m in 1987. Although the rise and fall in the sea water level has been recognized as a periodic phenomenon (every...

Ocean Wave Propagation up a Narrow Channel
The results of a hydraulic model investigation of ocean wave propagation up a narrow channel are reported. Both monochromatic and random waves were used to study the wave characteristics...





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