Aesthetics in High Speed Rail Projects
Aesthetics is critical to the public acceptance and quality of the experience of a high-speed rail system. Social, functional, visual, kinetic, and symbolic aesthetics have specific design...

Lifelike Model
Data from about 400 structures in the San Francisco Bay Area were recorded during the 7.1 Richter-scale Loma Prieta quake. Among these structures was a 49-story office tower in downtown...

Colorado Dome
Innovative engineering and precise design helped engineers overcome a building's unique shape and difficult site to deliver the $71.5 million Jefferson County Government Center...

Vertical Erosion on Beaches and the National Flood Insurance Program
During the 25 years that the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) has been in existence, there has been an increasing recognition of the contribution of both episodic and long-term...

Relocating Erosion-Threatened Buildings?A Study of North Carolina Housemoving
Relocation moves the existing building if it becomes threatened by erosion. Each option has its own tradeoffs - advantages and disadvantages, that should be evaluated for the particular...

United States National Marine Fisheries Service Role/Contribution in Restoring Coastal Habitats Under the Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection, and Restoration ACt of 1990
The agency has assembled a diverse team from government, academia, the private sector, and its program staff within the region to develop specific guidelines for identifying and evaluating...

Marina Facilities Planning Design and Operations in Hurricane Prone Areas
The overall growth in population of coastal areas in the southeastern and coastal regions of the Unites States has created a need for additional water related recreation facilities such...

Nursery Culture of Scallop Seed in a Recreational Marina
This paper describes nursery culture seed in a recreational marina....

Growing Trend of China Port Economic Zones
This papers analyses the general development trend at the port economic zones in China and the motive forces underlying such development. Essential features of a port economy are described,...

NOAA's Damage Assessment Center
This paper discusses the structure and capabilities of the Damage Assessment Center (DAC) established in 1990 by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to implement...

ECO-NEIGHBORHOOD and Citizen Action
This paper describes a new technique to focus professional and technical expertise in neighborhood settings where people are dedicated to making a difference....

Slides and Slumps on the Coastal Zone Between San Miguel and El Descanso, Baja California, Mexico
The coastline between Tijuana and Ensenada is being subject to intensive development, mainly as resort property, and because of the roughness of the adjacent areas inland, the coastal...

Characteristic of the Yellow River Delta
The yellow river delta is a most unstable delta in the world. The river burst its lowstream bank 1500 times during the last 3000 years, 26 large shifting of the channel as well. The river...

A Study on Local Residents' Evaluation of Residential Waterfront Area
In the present study, a questionnaire survey was conducted in 9 cities in Japan to investigate the utilization perception and utilization of local residents to neighborhood waterfront...

IVHS Strategic Planning for Washington State
Implementation of IVHS technologies must be based on a strategic planning approach. The strategic plan must consider regional and statewide needs and should prompt integration of IVHS...

IVHS-Organizational Structure and Staffing
Continuing technology advances in IVHS present challenges that many states are unable to meet with their current staffs. Only a few states have recognized the need to plan the need to...

Bellevue Smart Traveler: Reducing SOV Commuting
The Bellevue Smart Traveler (BTS) research team is currently developing a prototype traveler information center (TIC) to serve a downtown office complex in Bellevue, Washington. The goal...

A Simulation and Data Management Environment for Off-Line Testing of IVHS Technologies and Strategies
CA is engaged in a rapidly expanding statewide effort to test and deploy advanced traffic management and traveller information systems to mitigate congestion and increase mobility. To...

Collision Avoidance ? State of the Art
Although crashes are rare events, nearly 40,000 individuals are killed in motor vehicle crashes annually in the US. Another 3 million are injured and the societal costs exceed $137 billion...

Retrofitting a Detention Facility for Improved Quantity Control
Historically, detention facilities in the U.S. were first designed, constructed and operated for the single purpose of flood control. This led to a second phase, in which recreation and...





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