Prediction of Gravel Transport Using Parker's Algorithm
This paper demonstrates that sediment discharge in gravel streams can be reasonably estimated by calibrating the Parker and Klingeman procedure. This paper also identifies the need for...

Riprap Incipient Motion and Shields' Parameter
Unobstructed incipient motion data from a variety of sources are compiled to re-examine current thinking regarding riprap stability. Shields' framework is investigated and relationships...

Applicability of Two Simplified Flood Routing Methods: Level-Pool and Muskingum-Cunge
Simplified flood routing models for unsteady flow simulation in reservoirs and rivers have advantages of relatively small computing requirements when compared to dynamic routing models...

Selection of ?x and ?t Computational Steps for Four-Point Implicit Nonlinear Dynamic Routing Models
A major step in a successful application of unsteady flow models based on the numerical (four-point implicit, nonlinear finite-difference) solution of the complete one -dimensional Saint-Venant...

Advanced HEC-2 Modeling on Forester Creek
The goal of this paper is to share information regarding advanced modelling techniques used to solve complex hydraulic flow issues using the HEC-2 Computer Model (1990). There are several...

Modeling Critical Depth in Open Channels
This paper explores multiple critical depths. Reasons behind and characteristics of their occurrence are reviewed. A method to determine multiple critical depths is proposed for use in...

A Numerical Model for Learning Concepts of Streamflow Simulation
Numerical models are useful for demonstrating principles of open-channel flow. Such models can allow experimentation with cause-and-effect relations, testing concepts of physics and numerical...

A Comparison Between Two Kinematic Wave Solutions for Movement of Debris Flows
We compare an asymptotic kinematic wave solution for movement of debris flows with a solution obtained by the method of characteristics. The differences between the two solutions in the...

Roll Waves in Mud Flow
Permanent roll waves on a shallow layer of fluid mud which is modeled as a power-law fluid is studied. Based on long-wave approximation, momentum integral method is applied to derive the...

Friction in Debris Flows: Inferences from Large-scale Flume Experiments
A recently constructed flume, 95 m long and 2 m wide, permits systematic experimentation with unsteady, nonuniform flows of poorly sorted geological debris. Preliminary experiments with...

Analysis of Pulsing Phenomenon in Viscous Debris Flow
Pulsing motion is the main pattern of viscous debris flow. Results of study on hyperconcentrated flow are briefly illustrated in this paper. By referring study results of hyperconcentrated...

A Study on Debris Flow Surges
The mechanism of development of debris flow surges i studied theoretically and experimentally. It is proved that the development of viscous debris flow from continuous flow into a series...

Comparisons Between Experimental and Numerical Studies on Laminar Flow with Tracer Transport
In this paper we present an experimental and an accompanying numerical study of two- and three dimensional transient flow and tracer transport in complex flow systems at low Reynolds numbers....

An Optimization Approach to River Adjustments
The adjustment of alluvial channels is presented here as a non-linear optimization problem in which the ideal channel will tend to adopt an optimum configuration subject to the imposed...

Laboratory Study of the Characteristics of Shallow Open Channel Flow Using Fiber-optic Laser Doppler Velocimetry
An experimental study was proposed to investigate the characteristics of shallow rain-impacted flow using a recirculating flume and an artificial rainfall simulator. The fibre-optic Laser...

Distorted Physical Models for Mixing Studies
The frictional resistance and mixing process affected by roughness bars are investigated. Specific combinations of the size and layout of the bars for various flow conditions are suggested...

Investigation of Saltating Particle Motions Using Flow Visualization Technique
A real-time flow visualization technique is applied in this study to investigate these phenomena. This technique is able to measure the particle trajectories and particle velocities without...

Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler for Inlet Current Measurements
A BroadBand Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (BroadBand ADCP) was used to survey tidal currents at Shinnecock and Moriches Inlets, Long Island, NY. Measurements were made remotely form...

Turbulent Velocity Flutuations in Natural Rivers
The longitudinal and transverse components of flow velocity, as well as the normal and tangential stresses, must be expected to fluctuate with time and space when flow at a high Reynolds...

Determination of Pulsating Pressures for Baldhill Dam, N.D. Spillway
Model tests of the existing Baldhill Spillway were conducted with symmetrical and asymmetrical gate openings to determine for various flow conditions the characteristics of the hydraulic...





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