GIS for Transportation and Air Quality Analysis
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) promise significant potential to manage complex spatial data often required to address transportation and air quality analysis problems. However, this...

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Transportation Control Measures for San Luis Obispo County, California
The San Luis Obispo Air Pollution Control District has developed simple techniques to estimate emission reductions from various Transportation Control Measures. Accurate emission estimates...

Laboratory Tests of Modal Emissions and Off-Cycle Corrections to FTP-75
The modeling of emissions from on-road mobile sources is an on-going process. Two broad topics which are currently under study are the evaluation of driving cycles and the development...

In-Use Emissions with Today's Closed-Loop Systems
Closed-loop emission control systems were adopted by most motor vehicle manufacturers on a wide-spread basis in model year 1981, in order to meet the 1981 and later Federal exhaust emission...

Intersection Air Quality Analysis
Methods of carbon monoxide concentration estimation at or near intersections have recently undergone scrutiny with resulting debate on the proper and accurate ways to make these estimates...

Modeling Guideline for Air Quality Analysis of Intersections
Model evaluations have been performed testing eight different models for the ability to estimate carbon monoxide near intersections. These evaluation results along with the need for updated...

Developing Protocols for Motor Vehicle Air Quality Modeling
This paper is directed to air quality analysts. It examines the issues surrounding a modeling protocol and how to work effectively with a traffic engineer on a project to model carbon...

Integrating Traffic and Air Quality Modeling Techniques to Predict Pollutant Concentrations Near Intersections
Many cities are considering transportation management measures and/or tailpipe emission controls to reduce the pollution associated with traffic congestion. A major difficulty is the expensive...

The Effectiveness of Telecommuting as a Transportation Control Measure
This paper examines the potential of telecommuting as a strategy for managing travel demand. In particular, the paper focuses on the travel and air quality implications of telecommuting....

Integrated Assessment of Environmental Risk and Human Response
Meaningful risk assessment for environmental problems requires an integrated consideration of physical science and human behavioral issues. This is particularly true when dissaggregate...

The Use of Influence Diagrams in Risk Management Involving Multiple Stakeholders
In this paper, a new methodology is proposed that employs influence diagrams to integrate the issues that arise in risk management and to demonstrate the relationship amoung the stakeholders...

Predicting Effects of Subsidence on Landfill Caps
Groundwater protection at unlined, closed landfills relies upon limiting cover or cap infiltration. Depressions on closed landfills indicate infiltration from reduced runoff and loss of...

Exact Nonstationary Response of a Sliding Rigid Structure to a Modulated White Noise Base Excitation
The seismic design of embankment dams, earth retaining walls and base isolation systems have emphasized the dynamic analysis of a rigid block sliding on a moving base. In an early study...

Environmental Impacts of Agricultural Drainage
Research has shown that improved drainage increases peak runoff rates and pollutant loads compared to natural conditions. However improved drainage on agricultural lands may reduce outflow...

Tapping Shallow Groundwater with Horizontal Wells
In recent years, horizontal wells have become an economical water supply source alternative for many shallow water table areas in Florida. Horizontal wells typically utilize 15 to 20 cm...

Degradation of Ground Water by Tetrachloroethylene
Ground water from many municipal water wells in California has been degraded by tetrachloroethylene (PCE) at concentrations above the drinking water standard. Investigations conducted...

Wellfield Protection Program in Broward County, Florida
The Potable Water Wellfield Protection Program was initiated early in 1981. It examined land uses in the County, made an inventory of potential ground water pollution sources, compiled...

Use of D-C Resistivity to Map Saline Ground Water
It has been estimated in previous studies that 23 square miles of the Oxnard aquifer, a member of a multi-layered aquifer system beneath the Oxnard plain in Ventura County, California,...

Principles of Ground-Water Protection
Successful wellhead protection activities depend on a thorough knowledge of the ground-water flow system and an understanding of how contaminants migrate through geologic formations. Once...

Connecticut's Wellhead Protection Program
Connecticut's Wellhead Protection Program was the first in the country to receive EPA approval and remains one of the strongest programs in the nation. The program is based on comprehensive...





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