Modification of Meander Pattern Using Wing Dams
A sharp river bend and a highway bridge together create potentially hazardous conditions for all down-bound barge tows on the Mississippi River at Lansing, Iowa. The tendency of the river...

Calibration of a Bridge Rating Formula for Overload Permits
This paper proposes a method to calibrate a reliability based load and resistance factor design (LRFD) permit evaluation formulation that will account for the overloaded truck's...

Risk Assessment for Cladding Panels: An Expert Systems Approach
Risk assessment for structures in the context of wind engineering involves many factors such as wind hazard, the wind sensitivity of the structure and the socio-economic value of the structure....

High Strength Concrete - A New Material
In this paper, the material properties and structural member behavior of normal and high-strength concretes are summarized. The current ACI code recommendations are based on results of...

Tall Building Stability -- Practical Considerations
Simple techniques for including lateral stability effects in the design of tall buildings are proposed. The application of these techniques in the design of a 66-story building is described....

Real Time Vehicle Systems Monitoring
The system, which has recently been developed, consists of onboard vehicle micro-processor monitoring, data reduction and transmission components, a VHF or satellite communications link,...

Distributed Graphical Transit Scheduling System
The Graphical Scheduler is the latest of software products developed by SAGE for the transit industry. It was specifically designed to run on a micro-computer taking advantage of the latest...

Using Microcomputers for Maintenance Management in a Small Transit Agency
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation, (WISDOT) Bureau of Transit asked a small transit agency to join an UMTA funded project that would perform a needs assessment, locate or develop...

Role of Microcompiuters in Highway Weigh-in-Motion Systems
Microcomputer technology makes it possible to digitize the signals, calculate the desired factors, and record and display the information in real time at the weigh-in-motion (WIM) site....

SCT's Experience with Automated Fleet Management
Sonoma County Transit's (SCT) fleet maintenance program covers all aspects of repair and preventive maintenance, with the exception of major body work. This paper describes...

Taking the Loss Out of Risk
Since Superfund was authorized in 1981 and 22,000 hazardous waste sites put on notice, funds for remedial action have peaked with $20 billion annual clean-up budgets projected. But to...

Checking Turbine Performance by Index Testing
This paper discusses an index testing procedure used by TVA for measuring performance levels of its hydroelectric units. It also describes a current program for retesting generating units...

Index Testing?Relative Turbine Performance
The Index method of testing hydraulic turbines consists of making a test in which the value of power output and head are measured and in which the quantities of water and velocity head...

Costs of Truck Related Highway Damage to Alaska
The cost of pavement damage to the State of Alaska for truck traffic continues to be a very controversial topic. There is no simple answer since this cost is dependent upon pavement strength,...

Evaluation of Safety Alternatives by Benefit/Cost Analysis
There is an increasing awareness of the need to use limited highway safety funds on projects that offer the greatest benefits. This paper describes the development and application of a...

Performance of Highway Traffic Barriers
This paper describes an investigation of traffic barrier performance in New York State. A one-year sample of all traffic-barrier accidents in the state was obtained from Department of...

Transitioning End Terminal A TRENDtm for the Future
The highway engineer frequently starts from a position where an identified highway element is causing serious injuries or fatalities to motorists on the nation's highways....

Hazardous Events After Redirectional Collisions
The potential for hazardous events occurring to vehicle occupants after a redirection from a longitudinal barrier has not been adequately addressed. Very few studies are available which...

Occupant Risk in Longitudinal Barrier Collisions
The following paper presents data derived from sled test experiments, full-scale vehicle crash tests as well as an in-depth analysis of accident data which suggest that occupants are not...

Howsafe: A Microcomputer-Based Expert System to Evaluate the Safety of a Construction Firm
This paper discusses the development of the Howsafe expert system as a case history in knowledge engineering on microcomputers. The focus is on issues of knowledge representation, reasoning...





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