An Interactive Regional Regression Approach to Estimating Flood Quantiles
In Texas, a computer program has been developed which will estimate flood quantiles for an ungaged site based on data from gaging stations with similar watershed characteristics. The user...

Reducing Discharges from San Francisco to the Bay
The City and County of San Francisco (City) is fairly unique in the west because it has a combined sanitary and storm water system. When the current Wastewater Master Plan (WWMP) was completed...

Summer Engineering Outreach Program for Native Americans
Minorities are significantly underrepresented in engineering, science and math fields in the United States. To attract and retain capable minority students will require the development...

Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers 1993
Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers Vol. 158, 1993 contains abstracts for all ASCE journal papers and technical notes,...

Engineering, Construction, and Operations in Space IV
This proceedings, Engineering, Construction and Operations in Space IV, consists of over 155 papers presented at Space 94, the Fourth International...

The Job-Order Contracting Solution
A new method of contracting, Job Order Contracting, combines many contracts into one administered by one project team. They are competitively bid, indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity,...

OSHA and the Design Professional
Since the creation of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the question of how the role of design professionals - engineers and architects - relate to the safety of a construction...

ASCE Annual Combined Index 1993
The ASCE Annual Index-1993 provides a guide to the material appearing in publications of the American Society of Civil Engineers published during 1993. This includes papers and technical...

Solar Stretch
Extrapolating from structural work with textile or metal membrane roofs to cover silos, assembly halls and sports stadia, Schlaich, Bergermann and Partners, a structural engineering firm...

Circle Integration
Based on the results of proof-of-concept experiments, we propose that an integrated suite of software tools can support both automation and integration of several components of AEC design...

Startplan: Producing Schedule Templates Using IRMA
The Information Reference Model for AEC (IRMA) is a generic information modeling standard to support computer-integrated construction (CIC). Although IRMA is still in a conceptual stage,...

Construction Problem Solving in a Cooperative Distributed Agent Environment
This paper outlines the research being undertaken by the authors to determine how experts develop solutions to construction problems in a cooperative distributed agent environment which...

Random Vortex Models in Wind Engineering
Random vortex methods are Lagrangian particle-based numerical simulation schemes especially appropriate for Wind Engineering simulations. Vortex methods do not suffer from numerical diffusion...

Intentions and Credences ? An Australian Approach to Computerised Building Regulation
In the past, computer representation of building regulations has addressed a series of prescriptive requirements. Compliance with each requirement was essential and the only relationship...

An Object-Oriented Approach for Reinforced Concrete Design
The use of the object-oriented programming approach in developing applications for the analysis and design of reinforced concrete members is discussed. Two object oriented programming...

Concurrent E-I Algorithm in Structural Dynamics
A concurrent explicit-implicit algorithm for time integration of the differential equations arising from a finite element discretization is described. The first step of the method consists...

TIGER and Census Bureau Data in a GIS: A Powerful Combination for Civil Engineers
TIGER is the acronym the Census Bureau crated to identify its computerized geographic support system: the Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing System. Although...

3-D Coordinates - A Universal Rectangular Coordinate System for a GIS and Other Spatial Databases
Rules of solid geometry and 3-dimensional (3-D) rectangular coordinate systems are well known and used in many applications. Points on or near the earth's surface have long been described...

An International Knowledge Database for Ground Improvement Geo-Systems
Ground improvement technologies have traditionally played an integral and important role in major geotechnical construction projects throughout the history of civil engineering and selection...

Representing Design Cases Based on Methods
This paper discusses an approach to representing design cases using the methods used in solving specific design problems. This differs from the conventional representation of design cases...





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