High Capacity Multi-Helix Screw Anchors for Transmission Line Foundations
Three case history summaries are presented which discuss the siting, design, and construction of towers supported on multi-helix screw anchor foundations in the Virginia Power service...
Settlement of Residual Soils
The method previously suggested by the author in 1977 for calculating settlement of non-plastic to slightly plastic Piedmont Physiographic Region residual soils is reviewed. Additional...
Pressure Injected Footings in Piedmont Profiles
Comparatively little has been published on the behavior of pressure injected footings in the Piedmont residual soils and weathered rocks. It is the purpose of this paper to describe some...
Design of Drilled Piers in the Atlantic Piedmont
The philosophy and methods of drilled pier foundation design in the Atlantic Piedmont are described. Consideration is also given to the unique characteristics of decomposed metamorphic...
Drilled Piers in the Piedmont?Minimizing Contractor-Engineer-Owner Conflicts
Drilled piers are used extensively in the Piedmont Physiographic Region, deriving support primarily from end-bearing on hard rock. Cost extras and contractor-engineer-owner conflicts are...
Dispersive Soil and its Influence on the Design of Reach 1A of the Tucson Aqueduct?Central Arizona Project
An extensive geotechnical field exploration and laboratory testing program was conducted because of dispersive and erosive soils along the alignment of the canal. The canal design was...
Technical Issues of Ground Water Data
Three fundamental issues to be considered in the design of ground water monitoring programs are 1) choice of parameters for characterizing contaminant sources, 2) determining the areal...
A Call for New Directions in Drilling and Sampling Monitoring Wells
The hollow-stem auger drilling technique has an inherent limitation of disturbing large volumes of subsurface materials around the borehole, thereby possibly affecting local permeabilities...
Chasing Birds from Oil Spills?Two Experiments
Two Canadian studies that addressed different aspects of this problem were conducted in the late 1970's. One was funded by Canadian Marine Drilling Ltd. (Canmar), who was...
Ports and Harbours Towards 21st Century in Japan
Targets of the 'Ports and Harbours Toward the 21st Century' program for port and harbour development and improvement include: Target I, Creation of comprehensive...
Spatial and Temporal Variability of Drilling Reserve Pit Fluids on the North Slope (
Reserve pits are constructed in connection with drilling activities to provide a convenient and safe disposal site for waste drilling muds and cuttings. During the winter months at Prudhoe...
Ocean Space Encompassed by Oil and Gas Activities
The implications of exploratory and production drilling depth records from 1947 to the present are considered in terms of ocean area involved and coastal management. Technological changes...
A Survey of Selected Arctic Petroleum Drilling Locations in the Alaskan Coastal Arctic Region (
There exists in the central coastal region of arctic Alaska, a number of drill site locations which were used to explore for oil and gas in the 1960's and 1970's....
CZMA Consistency Revisited: A Mechanism to Mitigate OCS Impacts?
With the Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) recently reauthorized for five years and recent legal developments regarding consistency, this is the ideal time to revisit the question: are...
The DST Well: Its Importance and Lessons Learned
A Deep Stratigraphic Test (DST) well is a unique source of stratigraphic information; and provides critical data on drilling conditions, logistics, materials; and subsurface conditions...
Oil Rigs: Biology, Mariculture, Drilling Muds, Rigs-to-Reefs
Oil platforms in the Gulf of Mexico and Santa Barbara Channel provide hard substrates, diverse habitats and excellent breeding grounds from the sea floor through the splash zone. As a...
Major Issues Associated with Offshore Petroleum Development
Santa Barbara County has been confronted with a host of significant issues related to offshore oil and gas development, including: the extent and limitations of local control over development;...
Bulkhead Instability in Soft Soil
This paper presents a case study involving the severe disturbance of the subsurface soils in front of an existing bulkhead caused by the berthing of a jack-up type, offshore drilling vessel....
Foundations for Transmission Line Towers
This special technical publication contains the proceedings of a two session symposium on foundations for transmission line towers. These papers were written by researchers, geotechnical...
Dynamic Response of Pile Foundations?Experiment, Analysis and Observation
In recent years, a considerable amount of attention has been paid to the dynamic response behavior of pile foundations. However, mainly because of difficulties in conducting tests and/or...
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