Floodplain Management
On July 28th, 1997, the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, experienced devastating floods on Spring Creek that resulted in property damage and loss of life. As part of the local floodplain...

Pump-and-Treat Rescue
The pump-and-treat method of remediation has been regarded for years as unsuccessful and untrustworthy. But a recent project in Chicago showed that in conjunction with horizontal wells...

UV Acceptance
Ultraviolet disinfection of wastewater is increasingly being used. The method has been available since the early part of the century, but chlorine was widely available and generally cheaper....

Putting Polystyrene to Work
Geofoam, the generic name for block or low density cellular plastic foam solids used in geotechnical applications, has low density and good insulation properties, which makes it well suited...

Civil Engineering in the Asia Region
Asian Infrastructure, Sustainable Development and Project Management
This proceedings, Civil Engineering in the Asia Region: Asian Infrastructure, Sustainable Development and Project Management, contains papers...

California and the World Ocean '97
Ocean Resources: An Agenda for the Future
The conference, California and the World Ocean '97 (CWO '97), was organized by the Coastal Zone Foundation and Resources Agency of California. CWO '97...

Seismic Guidelines for Ports
Seismic Guidelines for Ports was prepared by the Ports Committee of the Technical Council on Lifeline Earthquake Engineering of the American...

Shadow Tolls
As federal funding sources shrink, private sector involvement becomes more necessary for road projects. Private entities are reluctant to become partners in road projects unless there...

Making the Grade
A new grade of high performance steel, HPS-70W, allows engineers to design tougher, lighter structures. The high performance weathering steel has a yield strength of 70 ksi, or 485 MPa....

Realizing Engineer-Led Design/Build
While design/build's popularity has grown this decade, the notion that engineers and architects cannot manage the project has remained. Typically heavily capitalized contractors...

Czech It Out (Available only in Structural Engineering Special Issue)
Bridge and transportation engineers and architects combined on the design of a unique bridge in a small city in the Czech Republic. The cable-stayed bridge only has one tower which is...

Casting Hot and Cold
Contractors and engineers battled the Minnesota winter to build a concrete segmental bridge with form travelers. Superstructure segments were poured in temperatures as low as -19F, using...

Rapid Redecking
A contractor replaced nearly 7,000 m� of steel grid roadway deck filled with microsilica concrete on the Canadian crossing of the Thousand Islands bridge system more than one year ahead...

Scaffolding�What Can We Do? (Available only in Structural Engineering Special Issue)
Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Inc. investigated a construction site scaffolding collapse at a West Coast hotel which permanently injured three workers. The engineering investigation...

Losing Ground
Unusual engineering approaches, careful studies of earth and water movements, and a multi-organizational project team that worked cooperatively lead to the successful replacement of the...

Light Rail as Planned
The Mission Valley West project, an extension of the San Diego Trolley, runs 6.1 miles between Qualcomm Stadium and the Old Town District. Conceived by the Metropolitan Transit Development...

Urban Runoff Quality Management
This manual comprises a holistic view of urban runoff quality management. For the beginner, who has little previous exposure to urban runoff quality management, the manual covers the entire...

Hydrographic Surveying
This manual establishes criteria and presents policy and guidance for performing hydrographic surveying in support of planning, engineering and design, construction, operation, maintenance,...

Hovering Over the Harbor
The $600 million extension to the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center features a highly sculpted roof inspired by the uplifting image of seabirds in flight, as well as a 300-ft-long...

A Museum for the Heavens
Replacing a icon such as the Hayden Planetarium's thin-shelled concrete dome is not the most desirable assignment. But the design team for the new Frederick Phineas and Sandra...





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