Interim Waste Storage for the Integral Fast Reactor Fuel Cycle Demonstration
An interim storage system design and operating strategy were developed for implementation in the Integral Fast Reactor Fuel Cycle Demonstration. Waste characteristics and thermal power...

Site-Generic Approach for Performance Assessment of HLW Disposal System in Japan
This paper presents an overview of the preliminary performance analyses and description of R&D activities designed based upon the results of the analyses, which are to be incorporated...

The Long Climb to Remediation
During World War II, the Rocky Mountain Arsenal in Colorado served as an Army manufacturing center for the production, then destruction, of mustard gas, napalm, cluster bomb mixtures,...

Fear of Trying
Conventional methods for cleaning up hazardous-waste sites are expensive, subject to increasing restrictions, and don't work that well for certain types of waste. Innovative...

Long Term Durability of Geomembranes
The most frequently asked question about geosynthetic materials is how long they will last. Precise answers, especially for geomembranes, elude researchers as well as manufacturers, design...

Aquifer Restoration: Which Method?
Ground-water contamination is an increasing problem, especially in large urban areas. Toxics that seep into water supplies threaten the health of the community and it's difficult...

California's Orange County Water District A Model for Comprehensive Water Resources Management
The Orange County Water District in Southern California has developed over several decades a water resources management program that incorporates innovative control strategies, proven...

Compaq Center East Water Management Plan
This Water Management Plan attempts to balance the many goals which were established in the Master Plan. Major areas of natural vegetation have been preserved. Stormwater quality pond/wetland...

Spills on the Great Lakes a Cause for Concern?The Need for Action to Prevent Them
The present form of water transport of toxic chemicals on the Great Lakes, using inappropriate and obsolete forms of navigation control systems, presents the people and the ecosystem with...

A Multilevel Optimal Control Algorithm for Real-Time Water Resources Management
The real-time, dynamic operation of an existing system of reservoirs, advanced wastewater treatment plants, navigation locks and natural steam channels is formulated as a continuous, distributed...

Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse for Malibu, California
Engineering-Science is providing consulting engineering services for the design of a sewer system and wastewater reclamation plant for the urban portion of Malibu, California. This project...

Wetland Valuation Based Upon Multi-Purpose Performance Evaluation
Wetland protection and restoration have become a top priority in water management. A wide variety of benefits are ascribed to wetland protection, e.g., flood control, water quality improvement,...

Environmental Restoration Project in Poland
Swedish-Polish project aiming at integrated environmental restoration of an degraded area in southern Poland is described. The project aims to demonstrate that an integrated approach,...

CSO Pollution Abatement Project Performance
The City of Trenton, NJ combined sewer overflow (CSO) pollution abatement project has been in operation for more than four years. Daily records include composite BOD5...

Getting the Job Done Creating the Lynn Water and Sewer Commission
The Lynn Water and Sewer Commission was created in 1982 to provide a means for the City of Lynn, Massachusetts, to improve the water and sewerage service to its residents. This paper describes...

1991 Update on Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Metropolitan Chicago
The Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (MWRDGC) owns intercepting sewers and seven water reclamation plants, but 125 local communities own the local sewers which...

Reliability of Model Prediction for Pump and Treat Strategies
For the remediation of aqueous phase plumes extending over large areas simulation models are often used to predict the response of the aquifer system and the contaminant concentrations...

Using a GIS to Better Manage Water Resources in Texas
This paper examines five GIS applications under development in two state agencies in Texas responsible for the management and regulation of water resources, response to and remediation...

The State of Nevada Operational Seeding Program
Integration of the Nevada Operational Weather Modification Program into management of the region's water supply is a key element to meet the increasing demands placed on these...

Source Identification and Ranking of Wet Weather Discharges in an Urban Area
A study has recently been completed to characterize the pollutant loadings to the Providence River, RI during wet weather conditions. A total of 11 land based sampling stations including...





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