Lessons from Dam Incidents. US-II
The purpose of this report is to present available data to the profession regarding failures, accidents, and major repairs at dams in the United States. Data is analyzed with respect to...

Highway Safety in 2010: Compromising Among Values
A prediction is made of the highway safety development, based on analysis of current crash data and expected improvements in highway safety. The paper includes discussions of travel mileage...

Benefits of Highway Safety Improvement Programs
Even at the most conservative estimate of 2% annual growth in travel, the U.S. would experience almost 58,000 deaths in the year 2000 at a death rate of 2.5 per 100 million miles traveled....

Long Distance Dam Data
Remote data collection systems are increasingly being used for dams. Instrumentation of structures for obtaining data on performance is not new. However, automation and computerization...

Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation Research Findings
A study to improve the procedures for evaluating and rehabilitating concrete pavements was undertaken in 1985. Field and analytical studies have facilitated a new knowledge and understanding...

Analysis of Hydraulic Impacts at the Tucson Reclaimed Water Recharge Project
The Tucson Reclaimed Water Recharge site has been implemented with increasingly sophisticated calculation methods as data collection efforts advanced. Initial project scoping utilized...

Inexpensive Geo-Coding for Water Utilities
Geo-Coding enables Hackensack Water Company to optimize meter reading and customer service routing; to analyze water consumption data at a micro level, and relate that data to census and...

Earthquake Response of La Villita Dam
Due to the recent industrial and housing developments at the port of Lazaro Cardenas, located 13 km (8 miles) downstream of La Villita Dam, at the mouth of the Balsas River, the hazard...

Technical Issues of Ground Water Data
Three fundamental issues to be considered in the design of ground water monitoring programs are 1) choice of parameters for characterizing contaminant sources, 2) determining the areal...

Managing Ground Water Data
Decisions concerning ground water protection and public health should be based on all relevant data, measured and analyzed with technically valid techniques. In areas where ground water...

NOAA Weather Radio: The Source of Weather Information 24 Hours a Day
Weather plays an important role in the day to day affairs of coastal communities. The timely and accurate receipt of weather information is critical, especially during inclement conditions....

The Importance of Large Landsat Data Sets for Isolating Sediment Resuspension Processes
An optical density analysis of Landsat film transparencies would show spatial variations of suspended sediment concentrations. The residual optical density profile inversely shows above...

Beach Management Planning and Implementation?Collier County, Florida
An essential first step in any management program is the collection of resource information and the compilation of a data base upon which subsequent management decisions can be made. Early...

The Albemarle-Pamlico Sound System
The Albemarle-Pamlico Sound system is the second largest estuarine system in the United States in areal extent, and the fourth largest in volume. Moreover, it is one of the most important...

A Benthic Environmental Evaluation Protocol for a New Municipal Marine Outfall
Concurrent with siting studies to relocate a 72 mgd secondary outfall diffuser in deep water (200 meters), the Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle initiated a three year baseline study...

Using Multi-Attribute Analysis to Establish Marine Pollution Research Priorities
The paper discusses how techniques like multi-attribute analysis, when used in workshops or surveys, can be most effectively applied to enriching the informational basis for future agency...

Guidelines for Reporting of Environmental Contaminant Data
To evaluate long-term temporal and large scale spatial trends in the absence of long-term monitoring programs, it is necessary to use data composited from other surveys and research projects....

Chronic Marine Pollution: A Maine Case Study
The State of Maine has adopted the concept of cumulative impact in assessing the environmental impact of coastal development projects and resulting discharges to coastal waters. In the...

New Tools for Economic Evaluation of Channel Deepening Projects
The Institute for Water Resources has developed a data base to facilitate economic evaluation of channel deepening projects. After extensive research, data elements were selected from...

New Concepts in Cooperative Fisheries Programs
Coordinated through the National Marine Fisheries Service, these programs serve eight coastal states, two commonwealths, three fishery management councils, two interstate commissions,...





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