Infrastructure Project Management and the Power of Implementation
The purpose of this paper is to bring renewed attention to project management concepts and public policy implementation issues as they apply to infrastructure development and renewal....

Financing the Golden Gate Bridge?Past and Present
This paper discusses the financial side of the project, which was a very innovative solution that provided federal revenue not only for the Bridge Redecking Project, but more importantly...

Legislating for Infrastructure Investment
It is apparent that today's infrastructure problems require innovative solutions reflecting national spending trends, the size of the federal budget deficit, and individual...

Carrier Selection under the Airline Deregulation Act
The two major segments of the domestic airline system in the United States, the trunklines and the local service airlines, have, over the years, been regulated by the federal government;...

Micros Go Afield
Taking microcomputers into the field is boosting productivity at construction sites and other field offices. Four examples presented in this article include an owner calculating payments...

Quality Control: A Neglected Factor
Quality in construction is too important to leave to chance. A project quality control plan would begin by incorporating testing and inspecting requirements into the specifications. Engineers...

How Do Engineers Learn to Manage?
Most engineers prefer design problems to management problems, but if a firm is to prosper, project managers must learn to manage and devote time to management. Earth Technology Corporation...

The Pursuit of Quality: QA/QC
Quality assurance and quality control programs are mandated for many federally-funded construction projects. The private sector is also increasingly requiring such programs. The terms...

Design of Strontia Springs Arch Dam
The development of the layout and the history of design of the 292 foot (89 m) high Strontia Springs Dam is presented. While a brief description of the general project layout and foundation...

Concrete Quality Control and Quality Assurance on Strontia Springs Dam
An essential part of the construction management services provided on Strontia Springs Dam was the quality control of material, mixture proportions, and production for all concrete placed...

Overview of Artificial Island Design and Construction in the Arctic
An overview is provided of the design and construction of artificial islands in the Arctic. Since the early seventies more than 20 islands have been constructed in the Alaskan and Canadian...

Logistics for Structures Sealifted to the Arctic
Sohio has successfully pioneered the development of the Prudhoe Bay reservoir by sealifting prebuilt oil processing facilities from the lower 48 states. The experience thus gained is being...

Oilspill Response Technology for the Arctic
Alaska Clean Seas is a spill response organization whose area of interest includes all of the marine environment surrounding Alaska. It provides support to members in contingency planning,...

Utilizing Design Events Within Risk-Based Design
Design load selection based on the return period of an environmental event is not possible when the event is described by more than one parameter. Risk analysis can be used to associate...

Risk Assessment of Sea Bottom Scouring Using Fuzzy Set Theory
An approach to the assessment of risk to buried pipelines from ice gouging is developed using Fuzzy Set Theory. Statistical procedures currently used to analyze ice gouge data are inadequate...

Pipeline Hardware: Special Designs for Arctic Projects
The hardware used to support and protect arctic pipelines has evolved through several years of innovative design work by various engineering firms. The hardware used on the Kuparuk River...

Validation of the CICE Code for Ice Ride-Up and Ice Ridge Cone Interaction
The discrete element method is capable of analyzing multiple, interacting, deformable, discontinuous or fractured bodies undergoing large motions and rotations. The formulation solves...

Cost-Effective Arctic Concrete Structures
The economic development of offshore Arctic petroleum fields dictates that Arctic structures be both cost-effective and deliverable with minimum lead time. Concrete structures are typically...

Coastal Erosion's Impact on California Offshore Oil Development
Recent oil discoveries in the offshore Santa Maria Basin and the Santa Barbara Channel will require the construction of new oil facilities located along 90 miles of Santa Barbara County...

The Impact of Selected Sea Level Rise Scenarios on the Beach and Coastal Structures at Sea Bright, N.J.
The physical impacts of selected sea level rise scenarios on the shoreline of Sea Bright, New Jersey, are investigated. The sea level rise scenarios chosen for investigation were developed...





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