Collective Response to Erosion Along the Nigerian Coastline
Natural factors for the rapid coastal erosion include an intense wave climate, a low coastal plain topography, vulnerable sediment or soil characteristics and, the global eustatic rise...

Analysis of Institutional Policy for the Provision of Stormwater Management in the Lake Pontchartrain Watershed
In response to the threat that pollution from urban runoff poses to the utilization of Lake Pontchartrain as an economic and recreational resource, this study addresses, from an institutional...

The Gulf Initiative
The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region IV, has proposed a program, the Gulf Initiative, to better manage the natural resources within the Gulf of Mexico. As an initial...

Marine Policy and the States
Increased conflict between the states and federal government over offshore activities, cuts in federal support for ocean programs, and the New Federalism rhetoric of the Reagan administration...

Restoring the Redwood Creek Estuary
During the mid-1960's, construction of a flood control project drastically altered the lower 5. 1 kilometers of Redwood Creek, impairing the physical and biological functioning...

Pass a Loutre Freshwater Diversions: Marsh Building in the Mississippi River Delta
Concern about the rapid loss of wetlands within the Pass a Loutre Wildlife Management Area located at the mouth of the Mississippi River has resulted in implementation of the Pass a Loutre...

Methods of Achiving Cooperation in Estuary Management: The Fraser River Estuary Case
Management of estuaries is often fragmented, especially for estuaries located in major urban areas. Each estuary resource (fish, water supply, port sites) is managed by one or more government...

Freshwater Inflow Requirements of a Texas Estuary
The objective of this study is to estimate the amount and scheduling of freshwater inflows required to maintain fishery productivity, especially shrimp, in Matagorda Bay, Texas. To estimate...

Comparing Coastal Spheres in Oregon and Washington
This paper introduces the concept of a 'coastal sphere' and illustrates its use by applying it to two such spheres located in the Pacific Northwest. A sphere...

Ocean Dumping at Akutan: Impact of Policy on Decisions
The role of policy in management decisions is often overlooked by the general public during the decision-making process because of the public's greater interest in the environmental...

Domestic Sewage Disposal Pribilof Islands Small Diameter Ocean Outfalls
This paper presents aspects of planning, permitting, design, and construction of two unique small diameter ocean outfalls for the Native Alaskan Villages of Saint George and Saint Paul,...

Should We Use the Open Ocean to Ease Pressure on the Coastal Zone?
This paper proposes a framework for analysis of issues arising from the prospect of deep-ocean dumping of wastes. While it takes no stand on the issues themselves, it examines the motives...

Agricultural Nonpoint Source Control Program for Lake Erie
The Lake Erie Wastewater Management Study was directed at identifying and quantifying sources of P and sediment entering the lake, developing a management control strategy, and projecting...

Best Management Practices for Small-Scale Agriculture
Best Management Practice (BMP) concepts, identified in response to Clean Water Act requirements, provide nonregulatory techniques for minimizing water degradation, through identification...

Resolving Marine Pollution Data and Information Needs with a Federal Network
Coastal zone managers and decision makers continue to show a need for timely data and information products to support their decisions on coastal matters, whether they be environmental,...

Water Use Management in the North Slope Arctic Coastal Plain (abstract)
On the North Slope, water is dependent on accessibility as well as availability. Lakes which to do not freeze to the bottom, may support fish populations. To protect this resource, lakes...

Marina Planning with Geographic Information Systems
Water dependent coastal land uses including recreational boating facilities are being displaces by water enhanced uses. Coastal policy decisions designed to address these trends suffer...

Appraisal of Resources in the Saudi Arabian Gulf
The Kingdom's Meteorology and Environmental Protection Administration (MEPA) has commissioned a major study of the natural resources, as well as an appraisal of coastal zone...

Managing Growth in Florida: Focus on the Coast
Management of the Florida's phenomenal growth and protection of the coasts became an issue of major public concern in Florida in the mid-1980s. The legislative response to...

Beach Management Planning and Implementation?Collier County, Florida
An essential first step in any management program is the collection of resource information and the compilation of a data base upon which subsequent management decisions can be made. Early...





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