Hydraulics and Hydrology in the Small Computer Age
The theme of the 1985 ASCE Hydraulics Division Specialty Conference is ?Hydraulics and Hydrology in the Small Computer Age.? The goal of this conference is to demonstrate innovative hydraulic...

Managing Public Works: How the Best Do It
Management methods of what are considered the best public works organizations are reviewed. Examples of personnel management in some of these organizations include: Fostering the professional...

Defining the Infrastructure Problem?The Local View
The Governor's report defines infrastructure as 'the collective network of physical facilities and their maintenance necessary to sustain economic growth and...

Revitalization of Urban Water Supply and Distribution Systems: Detroit and Phoenix Case Studies
In 1980 the people in the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department were asking themselves the kind of question that is facing the managers of many municipal utilities in this country these...

The United States Used to be a Great Country...
Up until 20 years ago, the American highway departments did a good job of maintaining bridges and they kept streets well paved. The public works departments maintained the water and sewer...

Infrastructure Awareness: Successful Techniques
The need to rehabilitate and upgrade our infrastructure systems, specifically the systems of water supply and distribution, wastewater collection and treatment, bridges, highways and mass...

The National Infrastructure Act
Today, more than ever before, the United States faces a serious problem related to the condition and adequacy of its basic infrastructure - surface transportation, water supply and distribution,...

Carbon Columns: Success at Last
The first large scale application of carbon columns for municipal wastewater treatment has been operating for two years. The columns were designed as part of a program to upgrade an out...

Geology of the Strontia Springs Arch Dam
Precambrian metamorphic gneisses comprised the foundation rock at Strontia Springs Damsite. Geologic exploration at the axis selected for the arch dam revealed a large shear zone which...

Hydraulic Design of the Strontia Springs Diversion Dam
The hydraulic features which were of primary significance for the project were the diversion tunnel and spillway. The low-level outlet valves and water-supply intake were relatively straight-forward...

Construction of Strontia Springs Dam
Strontia Springs Dam is a principal feature of the Foothills Project on the South Platte River, 25 miles southwest of Denver, Colorado. The dam provides for storage and diversion of water...

Porewater Pressure in Clays Below Caisson Islands
Unfrozen lightly overconsolidated clays are a significant factor in the design and performance of exploration caisson retained islands in the Canadian Beaufort Sea. At two sites (Tarsiut...

Soil Cement Shore Protection in Arctic Environment
Suitability of compacted and plastic soil cement prepared with sea water, for shore protection of islands in Arctic marine environment, is investigated. The laboratory test results indicate...

Electrical Resistivity Techniques for Offshore Arctic Geotechnical Engineering Applications
The electrical resistivity of an arctic marine soil depends on the porosity, pore water salinity, grain size and shape, clay content, and degree of ice-bonding of the soil. Therefore,...

NPDES Permits for Accelerated Oil & Gas Development
Section 402 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) requires the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to develop National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits for waste discharges...

Oilspill Response Technology for the Arctic
Alaska Clean Seas is a spill response organization whose area of interest includes all of the marine environment surrounding Alaska. It provides support to members in contingency planning,...

Offshore Seawater Intake in the Arctic
Waterflood has become a proven technique for enhancing oil recovery from oil producing reservoirs. At Arctic north slope areas, seawater has been used successfully for such operations....

Shear Strength in the Zone of Freezing in Saline Soils
The design of artificial islands and other geotechnical structures to support arctic offshore petroleum resource development requires considerable knowledge of the strength of frozen saline...

Comparison of Wave Overtopping Prediction to Measurements from Large-Scale Model Tests
A recent large-scale physical model study was sponsored by Arco Alaska, Inc. , to evaluate slope designs for an Arctic offshore oil drilling island. The drilling island will be located...

Wave Runup Around Conical Structures
A variety of conical structures have been proposed for use in the Arctic environment, primarily because the inclined surface of such a structure gives rise to reduced ice loads associated...





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