Potential Impacts on Receiving Waters
As a discrete source of water-borne pollutants that are discharged to receiving waters, urban stormwater runoff can be and has been in specific instances a source of water quality problems....

Bellevue's Urban Storm Water Permit and Program
The Bellevue Storm Water Management Utility has been in operation for over ten years. At its initiation, flooding and erosion control were its main mission. Today with increasing focus...

Stormwater Management in Orlando, Florida
Metropolitan Orlando, Florida contains 82 lakes and approximately 200 drainage wells which serve as ultimate outfall for stormwater runoff. The quality of the surface receiving waters...

Stormwater Regulatory Program in Florida
The Florida Department of Environmental Regulation developed a regulatory program for the control of nonpoint sources. The Stormwater Rule established a performance standard for the treatment...

Infiltration as a Stormwater Management Component
This paper discusses the implementation of infiltration practices in Maryland. The benefits of infiltration are briefly discussed along with the regulatory background. Standards and Specifications...

Effectiveness of Erosion Control
Erosion control in the urban environment is addressed from the perspective of the mechanisms of erosion. The primary cause of erosion in urban areas is flowing water. Measures are identified...

Runoff Controls in Wisconsin's Priority Watersheds
The Wisconsin nonpoint source program is becoming more heavily involved in urban runoff controls. About 3 million of state cost sharing money has already been allocated to controlling...

Best Management Practices Overview
In the general list of best management practices for stormwater control, many practices are currently being used. On-line retention and detention ponds are used frequently and their importance...

Effectiveness of Extended Detention Ponds
Field and laboratory studies of the performance of detention facilities for the removal of selected pollutants from urban stormwater were conducted. The laboratory studies consisted of...

Design and Effectiveness of Urban Retention Basins
Retention basins are recommended by practicing engineers and regulatory agencies for stormwater management in new land developments. They may require considerable space which limits their...

Regional BMP Master Plans
This paper summarizes some important considerations and procedures for developing comprehensive nonpoint pollution management plans relying upon regional facilities. The advantages and...

Cost of Urban Runoff Quality Controls
This paper attempts to provide guidance in the evaluation, selection and planning of various BMPs by comparing their costs and cost-effectiveness, in terms of pollutant removal capabilities....

Workshops on Research and Future Activities Needs
During the conference, a questionnaire listing proposed topical areas was given to participants, along with instructions to indicate their first three preferences and to propose additional...

Case Studies of Need-Based Quality-Quantity Control Projects
This paper briefly describes several nonpoint source (NPS) pollution control projects motivated largely by local need, not by government regulatory and funding programs. The case studies...

Techniques for Rapid Assessment of Seismic Vulnerability
Under the impetus of a growing awareness of seismic hazards, there is an increasing effort being devoted to assessing the seismic vulnerability of existing buildings. For many professionals...

Recent Developments in Structural Optimization
This publication contains seven papers that emphasize the recent findings of mathematical formulations, numerical results, and algorithms in structural optimization. Among them, two deal...

Social and Environmental Objectives in Water Resources Planning and Management
Social and environmental goals and objectives are continually changing and difficult to quantify. Consequently, water resources planners and managers find it difficult to maintain currency...

Downtown Traffic Goes Down Under
Seattle's 1980 employment population of 124,000 is expected to jump to 150,000 by 1990. This will mean more commuter traffic and more mass transit coming into the city's...

Bridging the Joints in Bridges
Most bridges are designed with gaps in them. The cracks allow bridges to expand and contract as the temperature changes. But water can enter these gaps and foul bearings and structural...

Transit Tactics: Keeping Light Rail Moving
The Guadalupe Corridor Light Rail Transit project is a massive undertaking that will be built in segments from San Jose to Santa Clara, CA. The $372 million project involves numerous agencies...





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