The West Point Story?Chapter 2: Project Management Approach
In 1985, serving as the program lead, Metro contracted with Lewis Zimmerman Associates to conduct a formal facility planning effort for the West Point wastewater treatment plant. It was...
The West Point Story?Chapter 3: An Integrated Park and Treatment Plant
The West Point Wastewater treatment plant in Seattle sits on a small parcel of land that juts out into Puget Sound. In 1984, controversy erupted when Seattle Metro recognized that West...
The West Point Story?Chapter 4: Design
Metro's approach to design was one of integrated environmental and plant design. The project team, with guidance from the community and the city's parks department, established goals before...
The West Point Story?Chapter 5: Construction
As design of the West Point plant neared completion, the municipality of Seattle addressed construction of the facilities. The challenge was to build a complex wastewater treatment plant...
Upper Guadalupe River Authority, Texas?Innovative Solution to Long-Term Water Needs
Through conjunctive use of groundwater and surface water, the Upper Guadalupe River Authority (UGRA) has designed a water supply system for the City of Kerrville, Texas that saves 80 percent...
Small Area Water Demand Forecasting at the Salt River Project
The Salt River Project Small Area Water Demand Forecast (forecast) is designed to provide water resource planners with long-range water demand forecasts disaggregated by user type and...
A Comparison of Short Term Forecast Methods for Municipal Water Use
Water utilities routinely develop long range demand forecasts for use in the normal planning activities. In recent years, many utilities have sought to develop more short-term demand forecasts...
Water Use Pattern of Residential and Commercial Customers
The availability of the Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) devices make it possible to read a large number of meters in a short period of time. Through the use of AMR, we monitored weekly water...
Low Flush Plumbing Fixtures and Wastewater Systems
The significance of low flush plumbing fixtures on the wastewater collection and treatment system serving a small community has been determined. Among the concerns studied were: functional...
Use of a Statistical Model to Forecast Future Wastewater Flows
Future wastewater flows are generally predicted based upon an assumed rate of population and industry growth within a treatment facility's area of influence. In a community with limited...
Challenges in Implementing the Use of Reclaimed Water
The State of Washington is currently in the process of adopting standards for use of reclaimed water on land. CH2M HILL recently has finished two feasibility level studies for reuse projects...
The City of Los Angeles Gray Water Pilot Project Shows Safe Use of Gray Water is Possible
A year-long study of eight residential gray water systems was conducted in the City of Los Angeles. Soils irrigated with gray water were compared monthly with soils irrigated with municipal...
Bellingham Frozen Foods Spray Irrigation System Operations
Bellingham Frozen Foods is a major vegetable processor located in northwestern Washington state. During the mid-1980's, the city of Bellingham began to upgrade the treatment of wastewater....
EBMUD's Approach to Demand Reduction
The East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) supplies water to more than 1.2 million people in the East Bay area of California. The District has developed a comprehensive plan to deal...
Global Distribution of Water Through the Oceans
The paper is a conceptual investigation of a pipeline and bladder system for conveying and storing fresh water in the oceans. Modeling is recommended to provide background on what could...
Residential Water Conservation and Reuse Demonstration: Casa Del Agua and Desert House
Occupied single-family homes can provide factual data as well as create an active real-world setting for education of the public. The installation of water-efficient fixtures, rainwater...
Agricultural Water Conservation Programs to Improve Water Use Efficiency
California's growing population poses an ever increasing demand for water from the existing limited and scarce water resources of the State. In addition the continuation of six years of...
Impact of Groundwater Management Act and CAP Water Supply on Agricultural Water Conservation Programs
Irrigation districts in central Arizona have increased the tax assessments for their farms to pay for distribution systems to deliver Central Arizona Project (CAP) water. Many farms must...
Agricultural Water Conservation Programs in the Lower Colorado River Authority
Rice irrigation is the largest application of water within the area served by the Lower Colorado River Authority, accounting for approximately 75 percent of total annual surface and ground...
Agricultural Water Conservation Technology Transfer
Efforts to implement computer programs which encourage water and energy conservation in the Columbia Basin, are described. Irrigators use the irrigation scheduling program to receive recommendations...
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