Innovative Reregulation Weirs
Since their construction, hydropower dams have generated more than just power for the Tennessee Valley Authority, they also generated concerns about their effects on river flow and aquatic...

On Deciding Between the Use of Engineering Standards and Risk Analysis
Risk analysis offers advantages for the optimal design and maintenance of infrastructure, but it is not always practical to apply due to the nature of certain types of infrastructure....

?H and ?4C as Tracers of Ground-Water Recharge
Surface spreading of water from the Santa Clara River is used to recharge aquifers underlying the Oxnard Plain. These aquifers are divided into an upper system about 400 feet thick, and...

Importance of ET on Colorado River Water Quality
Salinity is a major problem in the Colorado River. About 37 percent of the salt loading is contributed by irrigated agriculture activities. Deep percolation and seepage from irrigated...

Agricultural Impacts on Surface Water via Ground Water
Three years of ground and surface water quality monitoring data collected from one site in the mid-Atlantic coastal plain are presented. These data suggest that delivery of P from ground...

Climate Change and Water Management Flexibility
Changes in regional climate expected to occur as a result of the accumulation of greenhouse gases may have significant impacts on water resources. In this paper, I examine the sensitivity...

Water Data of the International Boundary and Water Commission
The International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico (IBWC) was created by the Treaty of March 1, 1889, between the Governments of the United States and Mexico. Principal...

Spatial Decision Support System for Toxic Spill Modeling in the Ohio River
Spatial decision support systems (SDSS) are hardware-software systems that incorporate spatial analysis and modeling in a workstation environment. The Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation...

Rock Creek?Cresta Sediment Management Plan
Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), an investor owned utility serving northern and central California, is working to manage sediments at its Rock Creek - Cresta Hydroelectric...

Computer-Aided Support for Water Quality Modeling of the Russian River
A computer-aided support system for operation of the QUAL2E-UNCAS modeling packaged has been developed for modeling of the Russian River, California. The system has been created under...

Modified QUAL2E Modeling of a Stream Acutely Impacted by Photosynthesis and Respiration
The QUAL2E model was modified to account for time variable headwater conditions and the photosynthesis and respiration of attached aquatic plants. With these modifications, a stream that...

Two-Dimensional Hydraulic Analysis of the Owensboro Bridge and Approaches
The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, Department of Highways, is working with the Indiana Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration to plan, design, and construct...

Dry Creek Watershed Flood Control Plan: A Case Study
This paper describes the development of the Dry Creek Watershed Flood Control Plan. This study was conducted to quantify the extent of the existing and future (buildout) drainage problems...

Extended Experience with a Short-Term Hydropower Scheduling Model in New England
The New England Power Exchange (NEPEX) is responsible for the central dispatch of power throughout New England. To assure the maximum benefits of power pooling, the electric facilities...

Water Availability and Water Demand Study for the Citanduy River Basin, West and Central Java, Indonesia
This paper will discuss the water availability and water demands in the Citanduy River Basin located in West and Central Java, Indonesia. A program of development of water and other natural...

Are High and Low Flow Habitat Values Really the Same?
The Instream Flow Incremental Methodology calculates physical habitat as a weighted sum. Suitability of use information for each modeled species and life stage are used to weight each...

Hydropower, Water Quality and Waste Discharge
Development of multiple hydroelectric projects on large river systems can result in potential reductions in dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations. Municipalities along the Ohio River basin...

The Changing Alliance Between Navigational and Environmental Interests in the ACF Basin
Structural modifications imposed on the Apalachi-cola River for navigation, their environmental impacts and government actions to address these impacts are reviewed. Past structural modifications...

Highway Construction and a Trout Stream Relocation
In 1970, a ten-mile section of Traffic Route 15 in the northern portion of Lycoming County extending into Tioga County was under design as a two-lane limited access highway on four lane...

System Operating Strategies in Water Rights Modeling and Analysis
The appropriative surface water rights permit structure in Texas has provided the impetus to develop TAMUWRAP, a river basin simulation package that will allow the response of multiple...





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