McClure Park: A Multi-Purpose Off-Stream Storage Facility for Tulsa, Oklahoma
The City of Tulsa is in the process of implementing a flood control plan for the 61 square-mile (158 km2) Mingo Creek watershed. The federally-assisted...

A Dynamic Runoff Model for Disturbed Hillslopes
A dynamic runoff model is developed for use in analyzing the hydrologic response of disturbed hillslopes. The model employs an explicit form of the Green-Ampt equation which is coupled...

Modeling of Dispersion in Natural Streams with Pools and Riffles
The non-Fickian nature of the dispersion process in natural channels with pools and riffles has been investigated through both laboratory experiments and the numerical solution of a proposed...

Combined Application of HEC-1 and HEC-2 Simulation Models in Dike Safety Analysis
The potential flood impact of a breach in a dike for a large spreading-area on a nearby waste storage facility was investigated. An HEC-1 model was used for generating breach hydrographs...

Maintenance of Stormwater Management Facilities: Neglects in Practice
The Stormwater Management Facilities (SWMF) have become a required component of urban development projects in many parts of the country. In spite of differences in size, type, and physical...

Legal Principles and Theories
Legal issues are intertwined with all aspects of the technical considerations relating to temporary structures. This paper presents an introduction to the legal theories which relate to...

Liability Insurance Coverages for Designers of Temporary Structures
A recent survey completed by the American Consulting Engineers Counsel (ACEC) indicates that in 1990 approximately 40 claims occurred per 100 firms. There also is an indication that claims...

Site Layout: Where Should it Go?
Site layout is mostly treated as a task independent of other resource allocation tasks such as those that are traditionally associated with construction planning and scheduling. Yet, the...

Burying By the Bale
The Gallatin National Landfill, now under construction in central Illinois, incorporates multiple safeguards to isolate refuse from surrounding water and soil with an inward gradient design....

Future Fill-Up
The car rental agencies at Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport have combined their service/filling facilities in the new terminal's parking garage. This permits customers to pick up...

Landfill Park: From Eyesore to Asset
By reclaiming a 50 acre landfill as a recreational area, Cambridge, Mass. increased its open space by 20%. The park includes three softball and three soccer fields, one multisport field,...

Rehab Roundup
The concrete exterior of San Franciso's Coit Tower was damaged and the murals were being destroyed by water infiltrating the structure. Interactive Resources, Inc., Point...

Soil-Rock Transition Zone: Uncertainties for Design and Construction
This paper addresses the problem of establishing definitions of the soil-rock boundary with regard to different engineering applications in the Piedmont geologic provinces. Three engineering...

Conflict in Water Management of James River, ND
Delivery of water from storage in Jamestown Reservoir to 898 acres of newly developed irrigation along the lower James River by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation during the drought of 1988...

Floating Fabric Over Georgia Dome
The 400,000 sq ft free-span roof cover the new $210 million Georgia Dome may look as festive as a circus tent. But next fall, when the 70,500-seat arena becomes the home of the Atlanta...

Understanding the Earthquake Environment, Corporate Strategies
Corporations should understand the impact that earthquakes may have on their ability to function. Some earthquake related issues which face a corporation are: earthquake design levels...

Elevated Water Tank Inelastic Seismic Analysis
In 1988, the Seattle Water Department hired CYGNA, a consulting firm, to assess the seismic reliability of their water system, since major earthquakes can occur in the area. Their study...

Simplified Uplift Analysis of Unanchored Cylindrical Tanks
Seismic tank damage has been reported in almost every major earthquake in the past, sometimes with serious environmental ramifications, thus raising concerns about the safety of these...

Encouraging Tourism and Access Through Recreational Marina/Waterfront Design
Encouraging tourism and access through the development of recreational marina facilities challenges a community and marina designer to create a Master Plan which incorporates a wide range...

Development of Marina Facilities on the Southern California Coast
The Southern California coastal region has developed recreational boating facilities through the use of existing bays, creation of new inland water areas and the construction of small...





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